Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Silhouette Machine Giveaway!!!

This Giveaway is closed! Stay tuned for more... Thanks!

Yes guys! You read that right!!

We are giving away a Silhouette machine to one of our lucky readers!!  

">Silhouette Electronic Cutting Tool

I've been showing you some of the great tricks it does lately.  These are just a few of the projects I have knocked out with mine...

WOW!  I hope you enjoy seeing my tutorials on this machine because I have SOOO many more to come!!

Want to be Shanty's lucky winner of this machine???

Here's how you enter!

1. Become a public follower of Shanty2Chic! (1 Entry)

2. Follow Shanty2Chic on Facebook and make a facebook post about the giveaway! (1 Entry)

3. Tweet about Shanty2Chic's Giveaway (1 Entry)

4. Write a blog post about Shanty2Chic's giveaway! Make sure you leave us the link to your post in  your comment! (1 Entry)


Make sure you come back here and leave a separate comment for each entry you make in the giveaway.  In your comment leave us the link to your blog post if you have one!!

That's 4 ways to win guys!!!

We will be announcing the winner of this awesome machine on Monday, November 29th!  We will be randomly drawing from all entries.  You have until then to leave us a comment and link up to everything.

We will also be announcing an awesome promo that our followers can take advantage of on Black Friday!!  It's an incredible deal on the Silhouette Machine so if you are not our lucky winner you can buy yourself one for Christmas!! Woooohooo!!!

If you have any questions just ask!

These ladies are also giving a machine away too!!

 Once you sign up here... go check theirs out!

Ready... Set... Comment!!

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Bev B said...

I'm a follower and have had a link to your site on my blog for ages.
Great give away!

Ashley said...

Am a follower on Facebook
Ashley Mills

Kelli Broadbent said...

LOVE THIS!!! I am a follower of your blog!!! Thank you!!!!!

undomestic mama said...

Liked Silhouette on facebook


Student Entrepreneur said...

Wrote a blog post!!



undomestic mama said...

I also became a follower of their blog. If i win I need to see all the cool postings the have!


Plum Crazy said...

I just started following your blog and love it!

Lane Gunter said...

I just became a fan of silhouette on facebook and I follow their blog now too!

Plum Crazy said...

I am your fan in facebook and shared it on my page! A silouhette is the only thing I asked for!

Ken Clark said...

I'm a follower. love this blog

Ken Clark said...

I'm a fan on FB

lindyb said...

I'm a follower and would LOVE to win (like everyone else!). I wish I tweeted and had a blog so I could enter more times!

lindyb said...

I 'liked' on Facebook and posted about the giveaway, as well!

Sabrina said...

I'm a public follower!!!!

Rebecca said...

I am a follower

Rebecca said...

I follow you on Facebook

Lindsey and Tommy said...

Already a follower :)

marlene said...

I'm now a public follower.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower! THanks for the chance to win :)

Julie said...

I'm a follower!!

Julie said...

I'm a follower!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!
rose_amyd (at) hotmail.com

Lynzi said...

I'm a follower!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a Facebook follower!
rose_amyd (at) hotmail.com

Cory said...

i follow you through GFC
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

Amy's Adventures said...

I blogged about it: http://amyfriesen.blogspot.com/2010/11/giveaways.html

rose_amyd (at) hotmail.com

These are the days... said...

I'm a follower on Yahoo!

These are the days... said...

I live in the DFW area and was so excited when you first started blogging! I joined your facebook page and shared your blog via my page.

AmandaG said...

I'm a follower!

AmandaG said...

Tweeted about the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower! Oh I hope I win your blog is simply amazing and even if I don't win I am so glad I found your blog!


lacieleigh said...

I am a new follower and would be in heaven if i won this! Awesome giveaway!


lacieleigh said...

I posted about this giveaway on Facebook!


Meredith said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower :)

Rachael C. said...

I finally became an official follower. Yours is the 1st blog that I am an official follower of. I have checked you blog every week and have tried out a few of your ideas. Now, I have made the commitment and will hopefully when a silhouette so I can do more of your ideas! I am so excited.

Lynzi said...

I tweeted about it! @lilmissluv2bake


Jasmine said...

I'm a follower!


Amy said...

I'm a follower!

Lynzi said...

And as I tweeted, I facebooked (Lynzi Montemayor) about it too!

{Twitter & Facebook accts are linked so I'm not sure if it can tag on Facebook}

Rachael C. said...

I like you on Facebook and am so excited for all my friends to find your site.

Rachael C. said...

I linked up to the Silhouette FB page.

Callie Chapman said...

I follow your blog and am a fan on FB!!

Brooke @ Finding Home said...

I've posted a blog about y'alls fabulous giveaway!


Becca said...

I follow your blog on google reader!

Becca said...

I follow your blog on google reader!

Becca said...

I liked your facebook page and posted about your giveaway!

marissa said...

I'm already a follower!

Becca said...

I did a blog post about your giveaway!

marissa said...

I am a FB follower now too!

marissa said...

I am a FB follower now too!

Becca said...

I tweeted about your giveaway!
beccaannabell on twitter!!

Becca said...

I became a fan of silhouette on FB and follow their blog!

* Dan & Ashley * said...

I am a follower!!

Shayna said...

i'm a follower!!! yay!

* Dan & Ashley * said...

I don't have a twitter, so all I can do is follow.

Anonymous said...

Seems like an Awesome machine! Can't wait to see tutorials on it!! =)
Lisa Mac

Laura T said...

I am now a public follower!

Brooke @ Finding Home said...

I now "like" Silhouette on FB!!!

My name is Kristen! said...

became a follower on fb and their blog! an extra entry-YAY! maybe i'll actually win something :)

Joanne @ Repurposeful Living said...

Love your blog!!

Brooke @ Finding Home said...

And... I now follow Silhouette's Blog!

Andrea said...

I'm a Silhouette follower!

konacupcake said...

Yay I am now a FB fan! Hope I win!!

konacupcake@gmail.com - Bree

Heidi V said...

I'm now a follower!

LesLyons said...

I follow the Silhouette blog and "like" them on Facebook.

Krista said...

I am now a follower.

Felicita said...

I am a follower! Thanks!


Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

I follow you through GFC!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

I like you on FB!

Erin J said...

I am a follower on FB!!!

Erin J said...

I am also a follower of your blog through my google reader!

Erin J said...

I put in my FB Status that I would LOVE this pretty little giveaway! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Shayna said...

i blogged about it!!!!! http://bslarson.blogspot.com/2010/11/give-ways-again.html

Bakers Treats said...

I am a follower and would love to win this for my nine year old daughter!

kate said...

This would be an amazing Christmas present!!

Dana said...

I am a follower and LOVE your blog. Would love to win this :) Thanks :)

Ali said...

I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Now I follow you on FB!

Anonymous said...

I also follow your blog!

Stephanie said...

I don't know why I wasn't a follower before, but I am now on google!!

kim said...

Did both!! Would so love to win this!!!

Martha said...

I want a Silhouette to give to my daughter-in-law for Christmas. We Love to craft together.

A Different Drum said...

I'm a follower!

Rhina said...

I am a public follower - you have great ideas! I would love to win one and could have a present for myself then!

blandrews13 said...

I follow shanty2chic on GFC

blandrews13 said...

I retweeted your tweet. @blandrew13

The Paoletti's said...

I'm a follower! :-)

jackie said...

would love to win this!!!

tHe DoDd FaMiLy said...

i have been a follower for a while now. i love you guys!!!

tHe DoDd FaMiLy said...

follow and posted on facebook

krista said...

I've been reading your blog but just became a follower.

tHe DoDd FaMiLy said...

Liked Silhouette on facebook

rosemaryschild said...

I am now a follower! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

tHe DoDd FaMiLy said...

followed Silhouette blog

rosemaryschild said...

I am a Facebook fan & posted about this giveaway!

tHe DoDd FaMiLy said...

posted on blog brittanyandjl.blogspot.com
just had a baby girl had lots of ides for this machine!!!

Carolyn1217 said...

No cartridges to deal with.

Katie said...

I'm a fan and follower of silhouette on FB :)

Amy said...

I follow you!

amyallen76 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a follower and I hope I win this for Christmas! Yay!

Amy said...

I like Silhouette on Facebook!

amyallen76 at gmail dot com

Amy said...

I follow Silhouette's blog!

amyallen76 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow!

Anonymous said...

I follow on FB!

Emily said...

Enter me please!

jenn3466 said...

i'm a follower and like you on facebook! i love all your ideas :)

jenn3466 said...

I'm a follower!!

Karen said...

Just became a follower (is that sentenced flawed or what?)


Angie W. said...

Already a follower!

Jodi said...

I just became a follower on the silhouette blog! Gosh, this would be so awesome to win!!! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Elaine said...

I'm a follower!

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

I just became a follower on the Silhouette site.

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

I just became a friend of Silhouette on Facebook

Summer Lee said...

I am a follower!!


Summer Lee said...

I am a follower!!


kallen1105 said...

What a great giveaway...I am a follower... love your blog... thanks, Karen

kallen1105 said...

What a great giveaway...I am a follower... love your blog... thanks, Karen

kallen1105 said...

Thanks for a chance at the giveaway... told all my friends on Facebook about ya'll. thanks, Karen

kallen1105 said...

I don't tweet...:( sorry

Diana said...

I follow Shanty2Chic on facebook!

Diana said...

I follow you on google

kallen1105 said...

I don't have a blog; but does it count that I read yours daily... thanks, Karen

Diana said...

I made a facebook post about you~

Diana said...

I like Silhouette on facebook :)

Proper Prim said...

I am a follower... love to win that machine, you make it look so easy.

Jill said...

I tweeted about the giveaway on twitter.com/danceoff Hope I win!

Ranae Broadhead said...

follower of shanty2chic!


Ranae Broadhead said...

follow shanty2chic on fb!


Jill said...

I also became a public follower!

Diana said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

Steph Cef said...

I would want to start off with some card making and then on to so many other projects!

Kooky Culinary said...

I am a follower.

Robin said...

I would be thrilled to have one! -I am a follower!

Karen said...

Linked on my blog - k2cole.blogspot.com

Meg said...

I'm a follower of Shanty2chic

Shirley said...

I am a friend of Silhouette on FB AND I follow their blog!

Meg said...

I shared the giveaway on FB. Keeping my fingers crossed for an early Christmas present :)

Amber said...

I follow you on FB!

Amber said...

I follow your blog!

tristin said...

already a follower

tristin said...

following you on facebook!

Becca said...

I am now following you on facebook.

Becca said...

I am a follower of your blog. thanks for hosting this great giveaway!!

tristin said...

tweeting about you now!

tristin said...

Blogging about it now! I am a new crafter and i NEED that silhouette :O)

blondfern said...

forgot to link my blog!! it's billyfern.blogspot.com

Sheri said...

I followed you.

Fudge Jumbles said...

I'm following you via GFC.

Thanks for the chance to win!

:-) Jeanette

Fudge Jumbles said...

I like you on Facebook and posted your giveaway on my page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Virginia-Beach-VA/FudgeJumbles/153636603124

Thanks for the chance to win!

:-) Jeanette

Fudge Jumbles said...

I tweeted about your giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/FudgeJumbles/status/7546924097871872

Thanks for the chance to win.

:-) Jeanette

kim said...

I'm a new follower!


mang said...

I am a follower!

Mary said...

Im loving and learning from your blog!! :] new follower!!

Jenny said...

I am now a follower :)

sue372 at excite dot com

Jamie said...

I'm a follower!

Jamie said...

I'm a facebook fan of yall and I posted about it on my facebook wall.

Glo said...

I am following your blog!


Ariel Mae said...

I'm a follower! :)

mamatamera said...

Super another entry! I'm a follower.

obsessed scrapbooker said...

New follower!!!!

Jamie said...

I tweeted about it here:


britbrit said...

I am now a follower.....:)

Jamie said...

I "liked" Silhouette on FB and I'm following their blog.

Lone Star Family said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

I'm a public follower of Shanty2Chic!
pizzanumber2 at yahoo dot com

Sarah Bonn said...

I follow you through Reader!

Anonymous said...

Following on Facebook and shared this giveaway. pizzanumber2 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Tweeted. pizzanumber2 at yahoo dot com


Crystal said...

Hi! Thanks for the giveaway! I publicly followed! <3


Sarah Bonn said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

Crystal said...

Hi! Thanks for the giveaway! I blogged the giveaway http://bit.ly/h0thF3

Shelly said...

I follow you lovely ladies and I have been dying to get one of these!!! Fingers & toes crossed!!!

Crystal said...

Hi! Thanks for the giveaway!I tweeted (loveandSparrows) & liked you on FB

Stephanie said...

I'd love to give this cool little silhouette guy a good home. But he'll have to earn his keep, no free rides around here. We all pull our weight. His weight will mean helping me make subway art and some creative Christmas gifts. ;-)

Brittany said...

FB follower, and posted!

Brittany said...

I'm a follower!

sweetfunkyvintage said...

I am a follower!

sweetfunkyvintage said...

I am a facebook follower and I posted about the giveaway!

sweetfunkyvintage said...

I tweeted! @sweetfunkyvint

Annie said...

As if I needed an excuse to follow anyway... I followed :)

Stef and ryan said...

i'm a shanty 2 chic follower :)


Annie said...

I also "like" you on Facebook now too :)

Annie said...

And just for kicks I tweeted about the giveaway too, although most of my friends have already been referred to your blog :)

cmjhawaii said...

I'm a follower.
flowerpower0097 at live dot com

KirkKrew said...

Follwer on FB

KirkKrew said...

Follwer on Blogger

KirkKrew said...

My blog post: http://kirkkrew.blogspot.com/2010/11/while-ive-been-away.html

KirkKrew said...

On my FB status as well! I want this machine! :)

cmjhawaii said...

Liked you on facebook.
flowerpower0097 at live dot com

cmjhawaii said...

flowerpower0097 at live dot com

The Dutch Girl said...

All I want for Christmas is a Silhouette, a Silhouette, yes a Slihouette.

Naturally I am follower!

Chelsea said...

I "followed" you


Sandy said...

I'm a new follower.=)

Lindsay said...

I'm a follower - this would make a great Christmas present for me (and it would get my husband off the hook) :)

Lindsay said...

Like you on Facebook.

Lindsay said...

Like Silhouette on Facebook

Lindsay said...

Follow the Silhouette blog.

reclaimers said...

I followed on Facebook! :)


Annaley said...

I'm a follower!

Nancy Markosky said...

i am a new follower

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