Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Silhouette Machine Giveaway!!!

This Giveaway is closed! Stay tuned for more... Thanks!

Yes guys! You read that right!!

We are giving away a Silhouette machine to one of our lucky readers!!  

">Silhouette Electronic Cutting Tool

I've been showing you some of the great tricks it does lately.  These are just a few of the projects I have knocked out with mine...

WOW!  I hope you enjoy seeing my tutorials on this machine because I have SOOO many more to come!!

Want to be Shanty's lucky winner of this machine???

Here's how you enter!

1. Become a public follower of Shanty2Chic! (1 Entry)

2. Follow Shanty2Chic on Facebook and make a facebook post about the giveaway! (1 Entry)

3. Tweet about Shanty2Chic's Giveaway (1 Entry)

4. Write a blog post about Shanty2Chic's giveaway! Make sure you leave us the link to your post in  your comment! (1 Entry)


Make sure you come back here and leave a separate comment for each entry you make in the giveaway.  In your comment leave us the link to your blog post if you have one!!

That's 4 ways to win guys!!!

We will be announcing the winner of this awesome machine on Monday, November 29th!  We will be randomly drawing from all entries.  You have until then to leave us a comment and link up to everything.

We will also be announcing an awesome promo that our followers can take advantage of on Black Friday!!  It's an incredible deal on the Silhouette Machine so if you are not our lucky winner you can buy yourself one for Christmas!! Woooohooo!!!

If you have any questions just ask!

These ladies are also giving a machine away too!!

 Once you sign up here... go check theirs out!

Ready... Set... Comment!!

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Suzanne@thriftstoredecorjunky said...

Following on facebook now, and posted the link.

Keeping Life Fun with one Craft at a Time said...

I am a follower. Follow me!

Lynette @ My Craft Discovery said...

I'm a follower of Shanty2Chic!!!

Keeping Life Fun with one Craft at a Time said...

I posted a link on my FB!

Keeping Life Fun with one Craft at a Time said...

I am a follower on FB.

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

I'm already a follower and I LOVE Y'All! enter me, please!

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

I posted on Twitter about your giveaway!

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

I became a follower on Facebook, and posted a link on my FB page! I'm excited!

Keeping Life Fun with one Craft at a Time said...

I posted on comment on your wall.

Shirley said...

I like you on FB AND posted about this awesome giveaway!

Shirley said...

Tweeted about this giveaway! I am @willowwhimsy

lotus lovely said...

I follow your blog.

lotus lovely said...

I am following you on twitter @poplovely

Abbie said...

I am a Follower of your blog!!

The Glitter Sisters said...

I am a public follower of your blog and LOVE it! Thanks for all your great ideas girls!

Keeping Life Fun with one Craft at a Time said...

I posted the giveaway on my blog.


Selissa said...

I'm a follower now!

Selissa said...

I follow on facebook! and I posted!

Selissa said...

I tweeted!


Tiff Hunt said...

I facebooked about the give away!!!

Amy @ Chicy-Creations said...

I follow via GFC!


Amy @ Chicy-Creations said...

I like on Facebook!


I want to win one sooo bad! I just might vinyl everything I can get my hands on if I do!

Lynette @ My Craft Discovery said...

Blogged about it here! http://craftdiscovery.blogspot.com/2010/11/fabulous-giveaways.html

karen said...

i liked you on facebook :)

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

Posted about the giveaway on Twitter today!

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

Told my readers about your giveaway on my blog Gail-Friends:

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

Told my readers about your giveaway on my blog Gail-Friends:

Domanique said...

follower through facebook.

Amy said...

I found a link to your blog on The Idea Room and I am now a follower! I LOVE your Owl Rhinestone Onesie!!! ~Amy~ aim.gilmore@gmail.com

Mrs. Patrick said...

I Became a public follower of Shanty2Chic

Unknown said...

i am a follower and I posted on facebook. No girl should be with out one!

Mrs. Patrick said...

Just tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/LSUbabymomma/status/7263822553292800

Erin said...

Follow Shanty2Chic on Facebook

Jodi said...

I am a follower, I would LOOOVE to win the silhouette! There is so much I would love make with it! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Ava said...

I'm a follower.

daisysgalaxy said...

I am a follower and I posted on FB


Coach A said...

I'm a follower! I have loved checking out all of y'all's creations! and if I win the silhouette I'm definitely going to try some of the projects you have posted!

Coach A said...

I'm a follower! I have loved checking out all of y'all's creations! and if I win the silhouette I'm definitely going to try some of the projects you have posted!

Unknown said...

I am a follower! Pick me, pretty please!

Unknown said...

I Like Shanty2Chic on Facebook too!

TrotterSweetPeas said...

I am a follower of your awesome blog!!

Tiffany said...

I'm a follower - pick me, pick me!!

Kim said...

I am a follower.

Kim said...

I just 'liked' you on Facebook

Kim said...

I just retweeted you.

Alyssa and Jared said...

I'm a follower!! Oh I LOVE this blog!!

Alyssa and Jared said...

Facebook entry.... done and done! =>

KB said...

I like Shanty2Chic on Facebook and made a status update on my Facebook page with a link. KBinAZ

Andrea said...

I'm a follower

Andrea said...

I'm a follower

Erin said...

Just became a follower!

Jenn said...

Blogged about it!!


Watson Family said...

I am a follower!!

Kelly and Nick said...

I'm publicly following you all and wrote a blog post about the giveaway that can be found here:


Thanks for all the great projects- love your blog!

Christine Dionne said...

New follower with her fingers crossed!!

Watson Family said...

I became a fan on facebook and posted about it :-)



Mrs. Wright said...

I'm a follower!!

Unknown said...

I'm a public follower.

Titti @ Shoestring Pavilion said...

I'm a follower already!

Unknown said...

I like you on FB and posted about the give away.


Unknown said...

I'm a follower! Love your blog!

Mrs. Wright said...

I liked on FB!

Kelly and Nick said...

Oh no, a separate comment for each! I'll use my above comment for the public follow and this for my blog post about the giveaway:

Morgan G said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

I'm now a follower on Twitter and made a post about the give away.

Campsite Insider said...

liked you on FB

Karey Turnipseed said...

I am a follower of Shanty2Chic:)

Shirley said...

AH! I want to win so badly! I am a follower officially now. :)

Sally said...

Friended Silhouette and I'm now following their blog! Yay!

The Carters said...

I'm a follower!!

The Carters said...

I'm a follower!!

the old white house said...

Already a follower and my mind is spinning with all of the projects I would do if I won! Theresa xoxo

Six in One Hand said...

Already a follower!!!!
Love ya'll!!

Unknown said...

Blog post.
Please randomly choose me.

Ashlei said...

I am a follower of the Silhouette blog!

acthibodo09 said...

Just "liked" Silhouette on facebook!! :)

Sarah said...

I know am a fan of Silhouette on FB and follow their blog.

acthibodo09 said...

I'm now following the Silhouette blog! I didn't know it existed before! O so exciting!

I have this on my Christmas list... hoping to win it instead :)

Mrs. Wright said...

I liked Silhouette on FB!

Holly @ Roller Coaster Life said...

i am a follower!

Unknown said...

One more!

stacey said...

i now "like" silhouette on facebook!

Unknown said...

One more entry for my. I'm a follower of silhouette's FB page & blog.

stacey said...

I'm not a silhouette blog follower!

Erin Slape said...

I became a public follower!

Sara Tornow said...

I follow your blog!

Kelly and Nick said...

I became a follow of Silhouette's blog and a fan on facebook!

Sara Tornow said...

I like you on FB.

Kathryn said...

I'm a follower!

Sara Tornow said...

I posted on FB.

Kathryn said...

I liked it on facebook!

Kathryn said...

I'm a follower of facebook!

Erin Slape said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

Abbey Chase said...

I'm a friend of Silhouette!

Angi said...

I am officially a follower! Love your site! Keep up the good work and Thank you!

Tara said...

I FB silhouette and became a follower on their blog.t

MomtoQTs said...

I'm a follower

2sweetgirls said...

whoop whoop, I followed silhouette!

Angi said...

I am a new FB fan!

Ryan and Heather Moss said...

I now follow your blog. You're so talented!


2sweetgirls said...

hoooodee hoo!!!! I became a fan on facebook!!!

lil mama said...

I like you on FB!

Anonymous said...

"Like"ed on Facebook ;)

Ryan and Heather Moss said...

I now follow you on FB!


Grace Ng said...

I have been a long time follower of your blog and have gained so much inspiration from you. Thanks ever so much for the giveaway!

2sweetgirls said...

don't have a twitter or I'd tweet that I LOVE SHANTY2CHIC!!!

Angie said...

"like"ed on Facebook ;)

lil mama said...

and I blogged about ya!

lil mama said...

and I'm a total follower ;)!

twelve30 said...

I just added the Silhouette blog to my Google Reader to follow them. I didn't know they had a blog-sweet......
Would love to be the winner - thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I get another entry for being a Silhouette FB fan and blog follower!

lil mama said...

aaand I'm following the Silhouette blog!

lil mama said...

PLUS I like Silhouette on FB :)

Nix-N-Nax Boutique said...

I am a follower :)

Nix-N-Nax Boutique said...

I am a fan on Facebook !!


Cindy said...

I'm following Silhouette now! and on FB!

I REALLY want this Silhouette :)

Linh C. said...

I'm a follower.

Nix-N-Nax Boutique said...

I also posted about it on my blog! So excited... I hope I win!


Linh C. said...

I like you on facebook and posted about this giveaway.

Birgit K. said...

I'm a follower already :)

Amanda said...

I follow Silhoutte on Facebook and their blog!

Karen Sabrsula said...

Thanks for the link to the blog!! Finally, a machine I can really USE and they have a supporting blog!! Ooohhhhhh..... I have so many projects in mind already...

Cassie said...

I follow your fabulous blog and LOVE this giveaway!! Thanks :)

PRP said...

I've been using a friend's Silhouette all afternoon and am so in love. Please pick me!

And I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

I follow Silhouette on FB!

Unknown said...

I also follow the Silhouette Blog

Nicole M. said...

Facebook follower :)
I've got my fingers crossed!!

tasha said...

i became a follower on facebook and the blog:)

tasha said...

i became a follower on facebook and the blog:)

Sierra said...

i am silhouette's friend on facebook!


Linh C. said...

I'm a follower of Silhouette on facebook and their blog.

Sierra said...

i am following silhouette's blog!


Anonymous said...

following Silhouette on facebook and their blog.

Cheeky D said...

I'm a blog follower, and a facebook follower, I have also posted this great giveaway on my blog. Thanks!!!!


Amanda B said...

I follow Silhouette on Facebook.

Amanda B said...

I follow the Silhouette Blog.

Girly said...

I'm already a follower - would love to win!

Room to Inspire said...

Count me in - what a fabulous giveaway! I am a follower!


Hopkinson said...

I'm a follower

Mia said...

I am a follower of Shanty 2 Chic on Facebook (Liked) and I made a status post about the giveaway with a link to the blog post here.


Mia said...

I am not a public follower of Shanty2Chic but I follow your blog through my google reader. Hope that counts? Thanks for such a terrific giveaway!


Jenn said...

I follow Silhouette's blog and "like" their facebook! :)

Cathy said...

I'm a new follower.

Suzie said...

I am a follower!

C and T & Co. said...

I am a follower of S2S!

C and T & Co. said...

I m a fan on FB!

Unknown said...

New (and highly addicted) follower! I NEED this machine!

Cathy said...

I like you on facebook and posted about the giveaway.

Kyla said...

I am now a follower! Love the blog!

Unknown said...

And now I am a FB fan too ; )

Ryan and Heather Moss said...

I am a fan & follower of Silhouette on FB & their blog.


Kyla said...

I now follow you on your Facebook page and I made a comment about the giveaway! Hope I get some of my friends entering also!

Leigh Hadlock said...

i am silhouettes friend on facebook!!! and i follow their blog!! :)

Di said...

Silhouette FB follower!

Anonymous said...

Already a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cathy said...

I'm following Silhouette's blog and like them on facebook.

Anonymous said...

I am follower!

Andrea said...

I am a follower of Silhouette's blog and on FB.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted about the giveaway

Anonymous said...

Liked on Facebook and posted

Mary Klauer

Kimberly said...

I'm a follewer of silhouette blog!

Kayla said...

I "like" Silhouette on facebook! Thanks for this chance!

brownemama said...

I am dying to have one of these machines!!! I am a new follower of your blog. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Follower on Google!

The Queen of Quite a Lot said...

I'm a public follower of you!

Denissa said...

Already a follower! :)

kimmie said...

oh. i would love to win this!!
and thanks for all you share on your blog...it is a joy to read!


kimmie said...

oh. i would love to win this!!
and thanks for all you share on your blog...it is a joy to read!


brownemama said...

I "liked" your facebook page, look forward to your creative ideas!

brownemama said...

I "liked" your facebook page, look forward to your creative ideas!

Unknown said...

like on facebook

Denissa said...

Already a follower on FB too :)

Unknown said...

Shared on facebook

ShabbyESP said...

Please enter me in the giveaway!!
What a wonderful thing!!!

ShabbyESP said...

Oh and also I am a follower!!!!

Stacie said...

I'm a silhouette fan on FB and a follower on their blog!! I WOULD LOVE THIS!!

Sweet Craft Cakes said...

I am your follower.
Christmas wish List...Silhouette!!!

JJ said...

hello-just became a follower of your blog...although i've been a fan from the beginning! hope i win!!

Sweet Craft Cakes said...

I am your Facebook Fan and Silhouette's now too... I will use it for EVERYTHING!

Courtney said...

I'm a follower!!

Courtney said...

I'm a follower of Silhouette on FB!

Esther said...

I'm a follower and I'd love to win!

The Unfinished Room said...

I'm a follower!

The Unfinished Room said...

I like Silhouette on Facebook!!

Chelsea said...

I'm a fan of theirs on FB and follow their blog!


Valerie Reid said...

I am a follower and an FB fan!

michele g. said...

Became a follower!!

Michelle@Sustainably Chic Designs said...

I am a fan on FB!!!!


amberdawn said...

I am a follower and ooohh I am so excited! :)

Michelle@Sustainably Chic Designs said...

I am a new follower!


michele g. said...

Became a follower on facebook!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I became a facebook friend of silhouette. Yipee for the extra entry. I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win.

Kellie said...

I love your blog! I am now a follower:)

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Silhouettes on FB!

Anonymous said...

I follow Silhouettes Blog!

The Porter Family said...

I'm a follower on here now!! :D YAY! loretta.porter@gmail.com

Jenn said...

I'm a friend of Silhouette on facebook!

Jenn said...

I'm a follower of Silhouette's blog

Jenn said...

Here's my "one more" post :)

Kellie said...

I just became a fan on FB and updated my status with a plug for your blog.

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