Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Silhouette Machine Giveaway!!!

This Giveaway is closed! Stay tuned for more... Thanks!

Yes guys! You read that right!!

We are giving away a Silhouette machine to one of our lucky readers!!  

">Silhouette Electronic Cutting Tool

I've been showing you some of the great tricks it does lately.  These are just a few of the projects I have knocked out with mine...

WOW!  I hope you enjoy seeing my tutorials on this machine because I have SOOO many more to come!!

Want to be Shanty's lucky winner of this machine???

Here's how you enter!

1. Become a public follower of Shanty2Chic! (1 Entry)

2. Follow Shanty2Chic on Facebook and make a facebook post about the giveaway! (1 Entry)

3. Tweet about Shanty2Chic's Giveaway (1 Entry)

4. Write a blog post about Shanty2Chic's giveaway! Make sure you leave us the link to your post in  your comment! (1 Entry)


Make sure you come back here and leave a separate comment for each entry you make in the giveaway.  In your comment leave us the link to your blog post if you have one!!

That's 4 ways to win guys!!!

We will be announcing the winner of this awesome machine on Monday, November 29th!  We will be randomly drawing from all entries.  You have until then to leave us a comment and link up to everything.

We will also be announcing an awesome promo that our followers can take advantage of on Black Friday!!  It's an incredible deal on the Silhouette Machine so if you are not our lucky winner you can buy yourself one for Christmas!! Woooohooo!!!

If you have any questions just ask!

These ladies are also giving a machine away too!!

 Once you sign up here... go check theirs out!

Ready... Set... Comment!!

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katy said...

I'm a follower.

katy said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Allison said...

Just started following on facebook. Love the blog!

Amanda @ Frills and Frolic said...

I am a follower of your lovely blog!



Heidi said...

Just posted about it on my blog...Here's to hoping!!!!

My Cottage Charm said...

I'm a follower and would LOVE to win a silhouette!! :)

Sunset Stanley said...

I'm a blog follower :)

Sunset Stanley said...

I'm a fan on FB!

My Cottage Charm said...

I liked your facebook page and posted on it. :)

jp said...

I just became a fan on facebook! So excited about getting a chance to win and for finding such a cool new blog!

Jan said...

already a follower!

Jessica said...

I'm a follower on your blog!!


The P in PJs til Noon said...

Just started following your blog :). yay!

Jessica said...

I'm a follower on facebook!


The P in PJs til Noon said...

I shared the link and posted on my facebook page!! (Although I don't want my friends to try to win...I want this for myself :)

Debra@Dejarenew.blogspot.com said...

Hi I just found you through Paisley Passions. I am now your new follower.!! Thanks for the giveaway. I would luvs this.

I would love for you to follow me as well :)


Jen said...

I'm a follower on Google Reader.

The P in PJs til Noon said...

And I tweeted about it too! @Pam525 :)

GynnaB said...

Already a follower! Love the blog!

GynnaB said...

I "Like" you on Facebook and left a note!

Whitney Crane said...

I am a follower!

Whitney Crane said...

Following on Facebook!

Margo said...

I am a follower!! YEAH!! :O)

Andrea said...

I'm a follower! I really, really, really hope I win!

SuzQ said...

Already a follower and I'd love to win!

Jamie said...

Im a follower! This is so great :)

Margo said...

I already follow you on FB!! :O)

Chelsea said...

I'm a follower!

chelsealexander at hotmail

Kadee said...

Just followed your blog!

Chelsea said...

I found you on FB and added you to my list!

chelsealexander at hotmail

Kadee said...

Just liked your facebook page!

Chelsea said...

I tweeted about the giveaway (@hausfrauChelsea)

chelsealexander at hotmail

Kadee said...

Just re-tweeted your announcement about the contest!

Julia said...

I'm a follower! That machine looks awesome! Pick me, pretty please?

Yvette @ AquaSeventy6 said...

I'm a follower here, on FB and on twitter. Love your stuff!

Just Rhonda said...

I am a follower!!!!

My name is Kristen! said...

already a follower, what a great giveaway!!

Tara@JustDevineStyle said...

Yes Already a follower! What an awesome give away!

Jessica said...

I'm a follower, but in a good way.

Diana said...

Public follower of Shanty2Chic!


Diana said...

Fan/Liked/Follower too on FB and make a post this giveaway!


D'On Marx said...

I'm a follower!

tasha said...

already a follower!

SassAFrass said...

Loud and proud follower! I love your site, I check back for new ideas almost everyday!

D'On Marx said...

I follow on facebook.

Diana said...

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/sdstlouis/status/7111984667435008

tasha said...

became a facebook follower!

Sarah said...

I'm a follower already and I would love to win a silhouette for Christmas.

Andrea said...

I am now a fan on facebook and I put up a link to the contest for all my fb friends to see. How exciting, thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

Crystal said...

I am going to Facebook RIGHT NOW so I can click "like"! I LOVE your blog... and I would LOVE a silhouette!! It is on my Christmas wishlist!! Fingers crossed!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower :) And I'd love a Silhouette!!

Andrea said...

I also became a follower of the blog. Thanks again for this great opportunity!

Leslie said...

Woo-hoo! Hope I win! I'm already a public follower.

Bryan and Marsha said...

became a follower!! I have always loved your creativity!! Still working on that one for me!!

Sarah @HarriganHowdy said...

Yay! I follow you through Google Connect.

SassAFrass said...

I am officially a "liker" of Shanty2Chic on FB!

Bryan and Marsha said...

became a facebook follower!!!!

Leslie said...

I "like" you on FB, and shared the giveaway on the BSP fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bargain-Shopping-Paradise/21196610077

Practigal said...

I've been following for a while now, but just made it official today! :)

Janet@Mamalaude said...

I'm a follower!

Leslie said...

I would love to win one of these! I blogged about the giveaway on the BSP blog.

Unknown said...

I'm following Shanty2Chic on Facebook! Jennifer Van Meter DeShazer

Unknown said...

I'm already a follower!

Amanda B said...

I'm a blog follower!

ktham04 said...

im a follwer on facebook!

Amanda B said...

I follow on Facebook!

ktham04 said...

I shared this on my facebook

Unknown said...

I posted about your fabo giveway! http://ajennuinelife.wordpress.com/2010/11/23/shanty2chic-silhouette-giveway/

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!!

Anonymous said...

I am a new fb fan!!

Joanna said...

Already a follower!! Here is hoping this is my lucky day!!!!

Melanie said...

Following publicly under melgriffin03

Megan Hedrick said...

Liked you on FB and put up a link

wannabe said...

Me!! Me!! Pick me!!! Please :)

Megan Hedrick said...

I'm already a follower!! Love your cute ideas

Katherine said...

I'm already a follower! Would love to win! I've been wanting this for a long time- so many ideas of what to make with it!

Melanie said...

Liked you on facebook and facebooked about contest by sharing blog post

kedwards said...

I already publicly follow Shanty2Chic!

Amanda said...

I follow your blog !

Amanda said...

I am a fan on facebook and made a post!

Melanie said...

tweeted about giveaway from @melgriffin

Angie said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Amanda said...

Tweeted about this giveaway!

Michelle @ Dream Home DIY said...

My oh my what a giveaway!! Oh how I would love to win one of these guys....I have been DROOLING over them for ever it seems like.

I am a faithful follower :0)

Ami said...

Yay! I'm a follower here!

amililley (at) gmail (dot) com

Ami said...

I'm also a follower on FB!

amililley (at) gmail (dot) com

Michelle @ Dream Home DIY said...

Hello sweetie! I just Tweeted about your awesome giveaway :0) Thank you again!!

Ashlee said...

I am a new follower! Thanks for the giveaway!

Karen said...

I am a follower! Crossing my fingers!

Heidi said...

I have been following your blog for a long time in my reader, but now I am an official follower. I would love to win one for Christmas

Haley Hill said...

I'm a follower!

D'On Marx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haley Hill said...

I "Like" you on facebook and I facebooked about you: http://www.facebook.com/#!/haleybethhill

Anonymous said...

I am a follower

Anonymous said...

I posted on my facebook about your giveaway.

Amanda said...

I blogged about this giveaway! http://jaaclark.blogspot.com/2010/11/awesome-giveaway.html

D'On Marx said...

Posted it on my blog. http://familyeternal.blogspot.com/2010/11/silhouette-giveaway.html

Beth Roberts said...

I'm a follower of your blog!!

tbmroberts at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm a Shanty2Chic follower!

BrandonBunch said...

I "liked" you on Facebook

BrandonBunch said...

I follow your BLOG!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Shanty2Chic Facebook "liker" and posted about the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

Jessie Johncox Fetty said...

I've been a FB follower for a while now. I've wanted this machine since forever! It's pretty awesome you are giving one away!

Leslie said...

I am a facebook fan! So excited, thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

Erica said...

I'm a follower!

Thanks for the give-a-way ;-)



Perfectly Jenn said...

I'm a follower and I can't explain how many great things I have planned for one of these!!

Anonymous said...

Loyal Public Follower! :)

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I am already a follower. I need to win this!!! It's the only way I can afford one. So I'm crossing my fingers.

Anonymous said...

Facebook follower and poster:

Desiree said...

I blogged about your giveaway:


Hopeful said...

Already a follower on facebook and now a follower on Twitter. I did tweet it too!

Anonymous said...

Tweet: http://twitter.com/kassarie

Hackbusch Family said...

Just became an official follower but have been looking at your blog weekly for a few months. Thanks for all the great ideas and an awesome give away. :)

News Around The Blogs said...

I follow your blog!!


Nick and Jayme said...

I'm a follower! Love the rhinestone Onesie!

News Around The Blogs said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted


Anonymous said...

Blogged! :) http://kassiandnate.blogspot.com/2010/11/silhouette-give-away-from-shanty2chic.html

Andrea said...

Loved your blog for months...and am a public follower.

Amy said...

I am a follower=)!

Jessie said...

I'm a follower!!! I want this darn thing so badly!!

Jessie said...

Posting about the giveaway on facebook right now!!

News Around The Blogs said...

I blogged about it here:


Amy said...

I liked Shanty2Chic on facebook!

Megan Bowen said...

I just became a foller of your blog. My fingers are crossed.

2sweetgirls said...

I follow you on Facebook and Blogspot already, do I still get an entry???!!! Oh please oh please oh please!!! I WANT ONE SOOOOOO BAD I MIGHT GIVE UP MY SCREAMING 7 MONTH OLD!!!...just kidding, she's too cute, I'd have to sell her! ;)

Clandestine Road said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I hope I win this for my mother!

Unknown said...

i'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

already a follower!! such an awesome giveaway!!

kristin m. said...

i'm a follower! kristinmik at gmail dot com

kristin m. said...

i "like" you on fb too! kristinmik at gmail dot com

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Following! And, hoping to win...

Thanks for the great giveaway....


Andrea said...

I'm already a follower :)

KittenJen said...

I'm a follower!

The Brady Family said...

I'm a follower! burtonmissionary@gmail.com! Love the blog!

MrsOrtelle said...

I'm a follower! :)

Kacy said...

I am follower!

Kacy said...

And I blogged about it!

Kacy said...

And I follow you on Facebook! See you soon, guys!

WJ said...

I am now a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance to win this!

Katie said...

katie.muirhead (at) gmail (dot) com

WJ said...

I am now a facebook follower of your blog.

Katie said...

"Like" on Facebook.
katie.muirhead (at) gmail (dot) com

MissyP said...

I like you on FB!

aSprinkling said...

Wow! So cool! I am a follower!

Cassie said...

I'm a follower!!

lisa said...

I'm a follower!!

lisa said...

I liked you on facebook and am following you!

Abby said...

I'm a follower!

Amy said...

I am a faithful follower! Love your blog! :)

Cyndi said...

I'm a long time follower and would love to win a silhouette. There are so many things I'd create with it!

Unknown said...

I am a follower what a terrific Christmas gift this would be!!

Sue@Uniquely Chic said...

I'm a follower!!!

Dawn said...

i'm a follower

Megan said...

Already a follower!!!! Would love to win this! How fun!

Dawn said...

just tweeted http://twitter.com/7alltogether/status/7138426910416896

Jen LT said...

Officially a follower on Google today!

Marla said...

Already a follower! would love this!

Elise said...

Love following your blog and on Facebook as well - this is an AWESOME giveaway! Thanks for hosting it - have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Gilbert Family said...

like you on FB! PICK ME!!!

Gilbert Family said...

following your blog! PICK ME!!! :)

Wanda said...

I'm a loyal follower and will love to win this AWESOME giveaway!!!
best regards,

Unknown said...

a Very loyal public follower.

Wanda said...

I liked on Facebook!!! Thank you for the opportunity to enter!!!
best regards,

Shirley said...

I am a public follower!

Dayna said...

New follower of your blog. I like what I see!!

Shirley said...

I blogged about this giveaway!


Sarah Sary said...

Liked on facebook and commented on your wall. Publicliy followed too! Whoo!

Kyra @ RACKS and Mooby said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

Shane said...

I already follow you! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!! Can't wait to win. :)

Diana said...

Great giveaway, I've been enjoying your blog. I follow you on google friend connect!

Anonymous said...

I like Shanty2Chic on facebook.

alexis said...

I'm a follower!!


Lane Gunter said...

I'm a fan on facebook! You don't know how much I want one of these!! Hope I win! :)

Lisa said...

Following your blog publicly now!!

Lisa said...

Like you on Facebook and Facebook'ed about the giveaway!

Lane Gunter said...

I follow too!! :)

Lisa said...

Following you on twitter now and retweeted your giveaway!

Perfectly Jenn said...

I "liked" you on Facebook and wrote a status with you linked to it!!

Shannon said...

I now follow publicly!!!

Shannon said...

I now follow publicly!!!

Perfectly Jenn said...

I just tweeted your giveaway! JenniferLeighS

Perfectly Jenn said...

my facebook link is

Lacey D said...

Im a follower =)

Sims Family said...

I am a follower!

sims.whitney at gmail.com

Alicen said...

I am a new follower and excited to look through your blog!

Amy said...

I'm a follower of you blog!

Amy said...

I liked and commented on Facebook!

Janine Claire Robinson said...

I'm a faithful follower too =)

Marlie @ Crafting, Cooking, and Cats said...

I started following your blog and liked you guys on facebook! I hope I win!

~Sutherland Smiles~ said...

I am a follower...love the blog

~Sutherland Smiles~ said...

Follow you girls on FB too!

katemade designs said...

I have tweeted about your giveaway.

katemade designs said...

liked you on FB

katemade designs said...

I'm now following you

Shambray said...

I am a follower!

John and Aleesa said...

Already a follower! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

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