Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Silhouette Machine Giveaway!!!

This Giveaway is closed! Stay tuned for more... Thanks!

Yes guys! You read that right!!

We are giving away a Silhouette machine to one of our lucky readers!!  

">Silhouette Electronic Cutting Tool

I've been showing you some of the great tricks it does lately.  These are just a few of the projects I have knocked out with mine...

WOW!  I hope you enjoy seeing my tutorials on this machine because I have SOOO many more to come!!

Want to be Shanty's lucky winner of this machine???

Here's how you enter!

1. Become a public follower of Shanty2Chic! (1 Entry)

2. Follow Shanty2Chic on Facebook and make a facebook post about the giveaway! (1 Entry)

3. Tweet about Shanty2Chic's Giveaway (1 Entry)

4. Write a blog post about Shanty2Chic's giveaway! Make sure you leave us the link to your post in  your comment! (1 Entry)


Make sure you come back here and leave a separate comment for each entry you make in the giveaway.  In your comment leave us the link to your blog post if you have one!!

That's 4 ways to win guys!!!

We will be announcing the winner of this awesome machine on Monday, November 29th!  We will be randomly drawing from all entries.  You have until then to leave us a comment and link up to everything.

We will also be announcing an awesome promo that our followers can take advantage of on Black Friday!!  It's an incredible deal on the Silhouette Machine so if you are not our lucky winner you can buy yourself one for Christmas!! Woooohooo!!!

If you have any questions just ask!

These ladies are also giving a machine away too!!

 Once you sign up here... go check theirs out!

Ready... Set... Comment!!

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Lindsey said...

i am a follower!! i need a silhouette!!

Kelly said...

I'm a new follower! :)

Kelly said...

Now a facebook fan! :)

MCC said...

I'm now a follower of S2C!

MCC said...

I liked you on Facebook and posted to your wall!

lele said...

left a comment on FB

lele said...

I am following on FB and left a comment.

Sylvia said...

I'm a new follower!

3LittleByrds said...

I'm a follower. :) If I don't win I'll just come borrow your's Whitney.

Genny-Boo said...

I am a follower on FB (Geneviève Meunier)

Genny-Boo said...

Became a follower of your blog!

Genny-Boo said...

Twitted about the giveaway (@Genny_Boo)

Genny-Boo said...

Posted on my blog http://cherryshack.blogspot.com/

Britt said...

I am a new follower!

Britt said...

I am now a fan on FB!

Britt said...

I posted about it on FB!

Mrs. DeFauw said...

Following you via google friend. THanks for the chance to win!

waiseone said...

I'm a follower already too. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth - no just kidding, I would love to win a silhouette. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower!

Eric Rogers said...

I follow!

Anonymous said...

I became a fan on Facebook

Anonymous said...

I blogged about this giveaway. The link to my post is http://katiejulius.wordpress.com/2010/11/27/all-i-want-for-christmas/

Eric Rogers said...

FB fan and posted on FB

Lexie & Jeff said...

I'm a follower!

Eric Rogers said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/chickitsarita/status/9080567542849536

TheFlammfam said...

I am now a follower! Please oh Please oh Please let me win this awesome piece of machinery!!


TheFlammfam said...

I now like you on Facebook and I did a post!! sara_van_gieson@hotmail.com

Lexie & Jeff said...

I like Silhouette on FB!

Margaret said...

i'm a follower through google and think this is a great giveaway!!

Lexie & Jeff said...

I like you on FB, too!

Lori@Paisley Passions said...

I am a NEW follower and keeping my fingers crossed that I win!!!

Cassie_lu said...

What an amazing give-away

lost.artsfarm said...

I keep seeing all these great ideas, makes me NEED the silhouette even more. Awesome Joy to the World banner!

Stacy O said...

Hi! I am a follower of your blog :)


Stacy O said...

And I liked you on FB too


Summer said...

Hi! Great giveaway you have going on here. I signed up to follow your blog, but I'm not sure if it went through (I was using a yahoo account).


Summer said...

I am a fan of Shanty2Chic on FaceBook. Thank you!


Callie Callender said...

I'm a follower!! :-)

Stacy said...

Good evening! I am now a public follower of your awesome blog. So glad I found you, and excited for this great giveaway!

stacygcraft at gmail dot com

AmyK said...

I'm a follower. Yay

the millennial momma said...

i am a follower!

The Higa's said...

I'm a follower

The Higa's said...

I tweeted about this giveaway

The Higa's said...

Liked you on FB and posted the giveaway to my wall

Callie said...

I am a new follower!

Callie said...

I tweet about the giveaway!

Aleecha said...

Became a Follower and a Facebook Fan! :) Love your stuff!

Kim R. said...

I am a follower of Shanty to Chic! Love your site.

Amy C said...

I am now following Shanty2Chic on facebook......

Amy C said...

I am now following on facebook and I posted the giveaway to my wall.

Kim R. said...

I am a follower.
kimlebaron at hotmail.com

Amy C said...

I also tweeted about the giveaway @scrappingmommy2

Ryan and Chelsea said...

I am a follower of Shanty 2 Chic! I hope I win!!!

heather said...

I posted about this giveaway on my blog:


Aleecha said...

Just tweeted about the giveaway! :)

Aleecha said...

Linked on Facebook!

Heather said...

I am a public follower of this blog :0)
Thanks- I hope lady luck is on my side!

Heather said...

I am a follower on FB, and here is the link to the post I did on FB:

chunnym said...

I am now a HAPPY follower! I would be HAPPY to win also.... : )

Lauran K said...

I am a follower!

Trina said...

I am a follower!

Trina said...

I liked on FB and left a comment about it!

Unknown said...

Im a follower!! I would be so excited to win this machine. I am expecting my first baby girl in 4 months and this would come in handy decorating the nursery.

Megan said...

I am a follower!!!

Monique said...

I tweeted

Monique said...

I became a public follower!

cheralyn said...

I'm a follower. Great giveaway!

Cathy V said...

I liked silhouette on facebook!

Jessica said...

I'm now a follower of your blog. :)

This machine is so amazing! I've seen it in action and am amazed at what it can do. I would use it for everything! Scrapbooking, home decor, making t-shirts, cards and tons more!


Pearson Reunion said...

I'm now a follower. :)

lawanda said...

Just became a public follower!

Julie said...

I'm a new follower and would love to win. Thanks!

jillian said...

I follow you! :)

Aly Allen said...

I'm a follower! Excited for the chance to win!!


Cassie said...

I'm a follower :) thanks for the chance to win!

Cassie said...

"liked" you on fb!

mn.wahine said...

I liked silhouette in fb & twitter too! :)

Saying It Sweet said...

I'm a follower!

Mandy said...

I'm a follower and liked you on facebook! mkpelti@hotmail.com

jen @ {decor junkie} said...

I am a follower! (funny, I thought I already was, since you're on my blogroll, but I wasn't. Luckily I am now!) I would love to win one of these fabulous machines! Best Christmas present EVER!!! Here's hoping!! :)

JKLMNPeterson said...

I am a follower

Melody said...

I follow your blog. Totally ♥ what you've created with your Silhouette!

David and Stephanie said...

I just became a follower, I love the silhouette.

JKLMNPeterson said...

I am a fB fan.

Melody said...

I follow your blog. Totally ♥ what you've created with your Silhouette!

Melody said...

I follow you on facebook, too!

mY dEwDrOpS said...

i'd love to win the silhouette! i'd use it for so many things! crafting, home decor, sewing, where does it end! sewdewit@gmail.com

Kyla Armstrong said...

I blogged about it!


mY dEwDrOpS said...

i am now a blog follower :) sewdewit@gmail.com

Desiring to Be Heard said...

I'm a new follower!

mY dEwDrOpS said...

just became a follower on fb :) sewdewit@gmail.com

mY dEwDrOpS said...

i tweeted! :) sewdewit@gmail.com

Sant Family said...

I am a follower!

Erin said...

I am a public follower!

Jenna said...

I just became a follower! Love your blog and would love to win!

Jocelyn said...

I'm a new Shanty2Chic follower!

ershay said...

I'm now a follower!

Renee Richins said...

I follow Shanty2Chic


Renee Richins said...

I follow you on facebook and posted about this giveaway


Renee Richins said...

I posted a tweet about your giveaway


Renee Richins said...

I posted on my blog about the giveaway



The Moss Family said...

I follow you!! :)

The Moss Family said...

I "like" you on facebook, and posted about the giveaway.

we {Heart} Scrap said...

whoa!!! :]
I'm a follower!!!
thanks for this great give away

Nikki said...

I'm a new follower.

Nikki said...

I would love to win

Laura said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower :)

Anonymous said...

I liked you on FB and shared your page :)

Kristen said...

i'm a public follower...don't know why i wasn't already, but was following in google reader. :)
congrats on the new baby! :)
kcmraleigh at gmail.com

Kristen said...

I followed you on facebook and updated my status about the giveaway!
hope I win! :)
kcmraleigh at gmail.com

Kristen said...

I tweeted about your giveaway.
kcmraleigh at gmail.com

Laressa said...

I am a new follower!

Wooee said...

New Follower - yay!

Unknown said...

I just became a follower of your blog! I love that the Silhouette giveaway has connected me to so many great new blogs! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm in awe of this machine!

hollyctr said...

New facebook follower!

hollyctr said...

Here's my blog post


LaDawn said...

I'm a new follower. Think of the fun with a Silhouette.

Katie said...

I am a new follower.

Katie said...

Liked on facebook and posted about giveaway.

Tiffany Gremmert said...

I'm a follower

Tiffany Gremmert said...

I am a follower of Silhouette

Tiffany Gremmert said...

I Liked silhouette on Facebook.

Unknown said...

All I want for Christmas is a Silhouette!!!

Sadie Dodson said...

I am a follower. Love your blog!

Sadie Dodson said...

I am a facebook fan!

splumier said...

I follow your blog with google friends

splumier said...

I like you on facebook

Bobbie - Clumsy Crafter said...

I'm a follower!

luckytobemomof3 said...

Am now a follower!

Jennifer Burgett said...

I am a public follower!

Amy said...

I am a follower.

Amy said...

I am a FB follower, and have linked to you.

Jenny Lynn said...

I am a follower, pick me!

Jenny Lynn said...

And I tweeted!

Anonymous said...

I'm a public follower

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Micah said...

I am already a public follower of you fabulous ladies! So Here's Hoping:)

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