Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Silhouette Machine Giveaway!!!

This Giveaway is closed! Stay tuned for more... Thanks!

Yes guys! You read that right!!

We are giving away a Silhouette machine to one of our lucky readers!!  

">Silhouette Electronic Cutting Tool

I've been showing you some of the great tricks it does lately.  These are just a few of the projects I have knocked out with mine...

WOW!  I hope you enjoy seeing my tutorials on this machine because I have SOOO many more to come!!

Want to be Shanty's lucky winner of this machine???

Here's how you enter!

1. Become a public follower of Shanty2Chic! (1 Entry)

2. Follow Shanty2Chic on Facebook and make a facebook post about the giveaway! (1 Entry)

3. Tweet about Shanty2Chic's Giveaway (1 Entry)

4. Write a blog post about Shanty2Chic's giveaway! Make sure you leave us the link to your post in  your comment! (1 Entry)


Make sure you come back here and leave a separate comment for each entry you make in the giveaway.  In your comment leave us the link to your blog post if you have one!!

That's 4 ways to win guys!!!

We will be announcing the winner of this awesome machine on Monday, November 29th!  We will be randomly drawing from all entries.  You have until then to leave us a comment and link up to everything.

We will also be announcing an awesome promo that our followers can take advantage of on Black Friday!!  It's an incredible deal on the Silhouette Machine so if you are not our lucky winner you can buy yourself one for Christmas!! Woooohooo!!!

If you have any questions just ask!

These ladies are also giving a machine away too!!

 Once you sign up here... go check theirs out!

Ready... Set... Comment!!

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Kerry said...

I tweeted this giveaway!

Lindsey said...

i'm following and crossing my fingers :)

Lindsey said...

liking you on facebook!

Tabitha said...

i am a blog follower!

Sweet Caroline's Mommy said...

I am a new follower! What an exciting giveaway!

Green Eyed Girl Crafts said...

I'm a follower on Facebook

Unknown said...

i am a new follower.. :)

Unknown said...

i like you on FB and just left a comment. :)

kate said...

I am a new follower of your site, hope to win the silhoutte

kate said...

I am a facebook fan

The Bates said...

I am a follower of your blog


nicbib said...

I'm a follower!

sunnie75 said...


Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook!

Anonymous said...

I posted about this on facebook!

Tricia Hicks said...

I've been a follower as well as a fb fan for a long time now. Love you girls!

Cathy V said...

follow your blog.

Tricia Hicks said...

I just became a follower of the Silhouette blog!

Alton clan said...

I became a public follower of your blog and would love to win this for all my crafting dreams.

Heather said...

I follow Silhouette on facebook!

Rachael said...

public follower <3

- Rachael W.

Nichole Loe said...

I am a follower!

asdeese said...

I'm a FB follower! Love Shanty!!

~ esther ~ said...

I'm a long time follower!

Vicki said...

I "like" you on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I am a new follower of Shanty2Chic. Thanks for a great give away!

Tami said...

I am a follower and having this machine would be a miracle in my house for christmas! grizzlywulff@hotmail.com

Liz Johnston said...

I want to make a vinyl tree for my son's wall. Thanks for the option to win!
I tweeted about it!

Liz Johnston said...

I also follow you.

Anonymous said...

Posted the give away on my blog :)


The Curly Red Head's Doing This said...

This would really make my Christmas!!! I posted on Twitter!!

The Curly Red Head's Doing This said...

I became a follower! Love your blog!!!

Katie S said...

I follow through GFC


Katie S said...

Follow you on facebook and made a post about the giveaway



Katie S said...



Katie S said...



Anonymous said...

I follow you via email. Love your blog.

The Curly Red Head's Doing This said...

I "Liked" you on Facebook - and posted about your giveaway on my facebook page... although I hope I win - I've been wanting a Silhouette for the longest time... thanks for the chance to win - it's exciting just to hope!!! Good luck to all who enter!

Beach Bum & Baby said...

I'm a follower. And my fingers are crossed! Such an amazing giveaway!! :)

Erin said...

Liking you on facebook!

The Heskew Happenings said...

I am a follower...of your blog! :)

The Heskew Happenings said...

I facebooked about it!

Kyla Armstrong said...

I'm a follower.

Unknown said...

I am a follower of this site!! I hope to win!


Unknown said...

I follow on facebook and just made a post about this great giveaway.


Unknown said...

I just followed you on fb!

Unknown said...

I just followed you on my reader!

Unknown said...

Just became an official follower...

madie said...

I am a new follower and would love to win the silhouette machine.

The Mangelson Family said...

I follow you on Google.

Gretchen said...

I follow your blog!

Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

Hi girls!
Already a follower..


Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

Hi again,
"Liked" you on fb.


Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

and again,

Did a post about it on fb.


Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

almost done...

just tweeted!


Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

and finally...

Did a blogpost! That should do it for 4 entries! Please draw me!!!


GirlsABoyes said...

I am now a follower!!

Ben and Summer said...

I love reading your blog, but just made it official by becoming a follower:) Please pick me, I would LOOOOOVE to win!

skyegirl1 AT gmail DOT com

craftytammie said...

i'm a new follower!

Megan said...

i tweeted at onourway

csparky61 said...

I am a follower of your blog!

csparky61 said...

I "like" you on Facebook.

csparky61 said...

I posted a link to the blog on my Facebook page.

Elena said...

Blog follower! :)

Elena said...

FB fan! :)

Jenni Lynne said...

became a follower!

Colette said...

I hope I win, I hope I win!

Shannon said...

I am a public follower of your blog!
Thanks for the chance to win a silhouette

Shannon said...

I follow and commented on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win a silhouette!

Shannon said...

I follow you on Twitter and posted a tweet! thanks for the chance to win a silhouette

Cristina said...

I've been a follower for a long time! I would LOVE a silhouette for christmas!!

Cristina said...

I'm a follower on facebook too!

Melayne Marchese said...

I follow your blog...thanks! :)

chickofalltrades said...

I am a follower :)

Tiffany said...

i follow shanty2chic

Tiffany said...

i like you on fb

Leslie said...

I'm a follower!!! :o) Lesliegray5 at gmail

Leslie said...

I'm a FB Fan!!! :o) Lesliegray5 at gmail!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower and I really want a

Deb said...

I am a FB fan!

live and luv said...

Already a follower! I have a "sickness" for wall words and had no idea of the endless possibilities of this little gadget! I would love, love, love to win a Silhouette Craft Cutter : )

Just Simply Mom said...

I am a follower!

knuckstermom said...

Ok you made me stop lurking-I'm following!

Lina Staub said...

Hi, I became a follower! Thanks for having this contest. I have been drooling over the Silhouette for months!

Lina Staub said...

I became a fan of yours on Facebook, and posted a link to the giveaway!

Ashley said...

I follow!

ashwey at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

And I like Shanty2Chic on fb!

ashwey at gmail dot com

trussell said...

I tweeted about your giveaway and follow you also.

GinaE said...

I'm now a follower. I would soooo love to win!!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower!


Debra (dubbage42) said...

I'm following on FB, and I've made an entry on my FB about it. My facebook is facebook.com/dubbage42

Jen Beals said...

I am a follower and so want to win one of these!

Callie said...

I'm a follower on GFC!
I want to win this so badly--b/c there are soooo many different projects I can do with it. I'm especially excited about the possibility of decorating children's clothes.

Tulle and Torts said...

I'm a follower - thanks for the change to win!

Tulle and Torts said...

I also blogged too: http://tulleandtorts.blogspot.com/2010/11/couple-more.html - Yay!

Meghann said...

I just became a follower of the blog!

Meghann said...

Just became a Facebook fan!

FrouFrouBritches said...

I am a follower!

Michelle said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

I am following on facebook and made a post!

Anonymous said...

Love your site, became a follower.

Unknown said...

I am following the blog!

Unknown said...

I am following on twitter!

Kay said...

I became a follower and would love to win a Silhouette...thanks for giving us a chance!!

Kay said...

I became follower on Facebook!!

Kay said...

I posted about the giveaway on Facebook :)

Britums said...

I'm a follower, i'd love one of these for my holiday projects!

Karen said...

I'm a follower and would loooove to win. Thanks for the chance.

Maje said...

I follow you!

Andreal Dershem said...

I like Shanty2Chic on facebook. And a follower through google reader....would LOVE to win :)

Dantzel said...

i am a follower

Tracy said...

I would LOVE to be a winner!

Maysem said...


Maysem said...

Follower on FB and shared giveaway on FB.

Maysem said...


stacy said...

follower on fb and shared.

stacy said...

tweeted! @searching4

Natasha Johnson said...

Following on google. Glad I found this blog!

Natasha Johnson said...

Follower of facebook!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

I'm a new follower! Great giveaway and I love the burlap and drop cloth trees!

Holly said...

I greatly enjoy following your blog. Would LOVE to try this machine! You've made some amazingly beautiful things with it! :) Thanks.

klhood said...

I am a new follower.

Shannon said...

I'm following you on Twitter

Ashley said...

I blogged about it here: http://ashwey.wordpress.com/2010/11/28/hoping-i-win-one-of-these/ ‎

laurakrummenacher said...

Just tweeted! Hope I win!

laurakrummenacher said...

Became a facebook fan and posted about the giveaway. Love this blog and love the silhouette!

laurakrummenacher said...

Now a follower of your blog. Pick me! Pick me! :)

Rose K said...

I'm following your blog and I'd love to win this! Your projects are cute!

Dana said...

I am now a follower!

Dana said...

i am a facebook follower now too.

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

facebook like you

Unknown said...

I "liked" Silhouette on Facebook and started following their blog.

The Spotted Horse Owl said...

tweet tweet! Thanks for hosting (mapofidaho)

Patti said...

I am a follower!! Really need this Silhouette to help me make all my Christmas presents this year!!

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

Hi! I'm a new follower. Would love to win this contest!
Email address is in my profile.

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

Liked you on FB and then posted.

Jessica and Justin said...

follower and friend of silhouette!

Lisa Berkery said...

I am a follower.
lisaberkery AT gmail DOT com

Katrina said...

Liked Silhouette on fb

Gassers said...

I am now a follower of your blog... love it!


Gassers said...

I am now a fan on facebook!


Sara said...

I am a follower!

Likeokandstuff said...

I'm now a public follower of S2C!

Katie said...

I am a follower!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would LOVE LOVE to win!!!

Erin@ Give Mom a Minute said...

Longtime reader, and now a follower. What a great giveaway!!!

Rebecca said...

I am now a follower of your blog!

Lauren said...

Hi, my name is Lauren and I am a follower (of your blog of course)!


Rebecca said...

I am a fan of Silhouette on Facebook and their blog!

April said...

I am now a follower! Love your blog!

missy said...

just became a follower

Brandy said...

Liked on facebook and shared a stats about your giveaway.

Brandy said...

Became a public follower of your blog.

missy said...

following you on fb
and updated my status


Stephanie said...

I became a follower on your blog and would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Stephanie said...

I liked you on Facebook :) Thanks for the chance!

Alexanders said...

I am a follower!

Sonya said...

I am now a public follower of S2C. Thanks

Sonya said...

I now follow you on Facebook. Thanks so much

Samantha said...

I am a follower

Victoria at Party Puff said...

I'm a follower!

Alba said...

I now follow Shanty2Chic!

Anonymous said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog! http://4klauers.blogspot.com/2010/11/happy-thanksgiving.html

Anonymous said...

I am a Silhouette FB and Blog follower

Alba said...

I posted a comment on your facebook page!

Tara said...

I'm a follower!

Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

I am a follower!

lost.artsfarm said...

I follow your blog using google reader

Unknown said...

I changed my status on facebook!!!

Unknown said...

I am a follower of Shanty2Chic blog!!!!!

lost.artsfarm said...

Following you on FB

lost.artsfarm said...

Following you on FB

Unknown said...

I am a fan of Silhouette on facebook!

Unknown said...

I am a follower of Silhouettes Blog!

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower. Great giveaway

Rebecca said...

I am a new Shanty 2 Chic blog follower via google friend connect and RSS feed reader. Can't wait to see more great projects of yours! Fingers crossed for the giveaway ;) Thans!

stacey said...

i am a follower!


Unknown said...

Sign me up! This would be so great to have around. Oh the projects I could do!!!

Unknown said...

Liked you on FB too!

Unknown said...

And a new subscriber! :)

Anderson said...

I just became a follower and oh am I so excited! I would LOVE to win this baby and LOVE you for giving me the chance! Thanks!

Anderson said...

I now follow your blog on Facebook! I can't thank you enough for the chance to win! Yipee!

Raegan Etue said...

Already a follower on Facebook and commented about the giveaway. Would be a wonderful Christmas present!!

Ashleigh said...

I follow shanty 2 chic!

Valerie said...

I can think of a million projects that I could do with this sweet little machine! The first thing I would make would be paper ornaments :) I've been wanting one of these forever! :) Just became a follower of your blog :)

Ashleigh said...

I liked S2C on Fb and posted about the give a way! :)

Kristie said...

started following on fb. been following your blog for over a year. ya'll do some amazing things. would love to have this machine.

Liz said...


blogged about it ...


Liz said...

Became a follower ...


Liz said...

Like on facebook and posted about the giveaway ...



Liz said...

tweeted about the giveaway @yesitsliz


Meghan said...

I liked you on facebook and shared this post.


handdancer said...

I would so love to win one of these -- I am a follower.

Ashleigh said...

I blogged about your give a away! http://aisforamazing.blogspot.com/2010/11/what-beautiful-sillhouette.html

ASC said...

I'm a follower :)

Crystal said...

I'm a google follower

Crystal said...

I tweeted the giveaway @CrystalWLee

Anne said...


Anne said...

I follow you on FB and posted http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Worth-TX/Shanty2Chic/252700455901?v=wall#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=144567328925753&id=1579017172

Anne said...


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