Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Here she is... Now let's party!!!

Hey guys!! It's been a week since we welcomed our new baby and I thought I would share her now with you guys!  I ran into my sweet neighbor down the street at Target about a week before I delivered and she asked if she could come "play" with the baby after she was born.  The results are priceless to me.  She is a very talented photographer in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for you local girls!  Here is her blog!

And here is Miss Ellyot Cate on her 3rd day here...

Make sure you check out Shelly's blog! She was so much fun to work with and does all sorts of pics for you local girls that are interested!!

On that note.... Let's have a party!!

Don't forget!!!

It starts tonight... Around 9:00 central time!

We want to see any and ALL projects, crafts and revamps you gals have done without the help of your man!!

And two of you lucky ladies will be receiving these goodies from our great friends over at

How fun is that!!!

So... Hope you enjoyed the pictures and we will see you guys tonight at 9:00pm!!
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the cape on the corner said...

oh my goodness, how absolutely adorable! the one in the pail?! too cute. love her name, too, very creative, and i am a fan of the "y."

thinking of your party name, i'm pretty sure you didn't make THAT without your husband. lol.

Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous!!! And I love the name. :-)

Amanda Weezie said...

What a beautiful Blessing. Congrats.

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

What a cutie pie!

duchess said...

Congratulations!! She's beautiful & I just love her name.

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

What a sweet heart!!! She's adorable! Congratulations! :) What a beautiful name, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations! What a precious little darling angel! She's so pretty and I love these very inventive photos! know you love them.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Ronda C. said...

Congratulations, what a beautiful baby.

Unknown said...

She's gorgeous. sometimes new babies have that weird alien thing going on, but she totally doesn't. I'm jealous. A few of mine weren't the cutest newborns.

Stacie said...

So Sweet! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful!! Congrats!

Life in Rehab said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, she's scrumptious! I could positively eat those teensy toes! And that tushy looks extra squushy mushy. Congratulations, she's just a little slice of heaven.

3LittleByrds said...

Oh Whitney. She's a doll. I know you're crazy over her. Congrats and enjoy every moment.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

awww beautiful! Sweet pictures! congrats!

Taija said...

Those pictures are AMAZING! What a beautiful sweet little girl you have!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and she is beautiful! Congratulations!

Katie Olthoff said...

What a sweet girl! Congratulations!

KimMalk said...

Congratulations on your new precious daughter.

Unknown said...

So very precious. I love the second one. It looks like she's been bronzed. Enjoy these next few weeks. Babyhood goes so very quickly.

Unknown said...

She's so very precious. I love her name and the second picture looks like she's been bronzed. I love it!

Congratulations to your family.

Elder Esplin said...

AWWWWW! She's SO STINKIN' cute! GLad she made it safe and sound. SmOochEs!

Jennie @ CInnaberry Suite

Kelley @ Why Leave Well Enough Alone said...

So incredibly sweet! Congratulations to you and everyone else in the family. She is gorgeous! :)

Anonymous said...

She's adorable....congratulations!!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

OH she's beautiful!! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Beautifully sweet-Happy Baby!

Cathy said...

Oh Em Gee, so adorable. I love the pink cheeks!

Elizabeth said...

Whitney! She is so beautiful... all of your children are gorgeous. Congratulations!

I {heart} Nap Time said...

ahh congrats! She is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

so lovely!!! you are in DFW???????????? we must do a blog coffee night here. I love your blog!

Denissa said...

She is beautiful!! Congrats :)

Dawn said...

She is absolutely precious!!! I love her name too!

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