Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Owl Art and a Giveaway!!!

So, I was recently asked to try out this product.

I use blue tape on just about everything so I agreed to give it a try.

This is ScotchBlue's New Painter's Tape Edge-Lock.
I have always had trouble with paint leaking through my blue tape in the past but this tape has the new Edge-Lock Line Protector.

Sounds good... But does it really work?

I have had a project idea in my head for sometime now and knew this would be the perfect project to try my new tape on.

I started by cutting a 1x12x4 piece of white pine into 3 even squares.  If you don't have a saw, you can have Lowe's or Home Depot cut it for you!

After cutting my wood I used a dark mahogany stain with a foam brush to stain each of my pieces.  I let the stain soak for about 15 minutes and then wiped off the excess.

Here they are dry...

Now is where the new ScotchBlue Edge-Lock came into the picture.

I decided the best test for this mighty blue tape was some spray paint!

I lined the edges of my boards with my blue tape.  I lined the tape up with the sides to keep my lines straight.  I then took a second line of tape to cover my edges.

A bit closer...

Now the fun part!

I sprayed each board with my red spray paint.

After letting the spray paint dry I started removing my tape.

The results...

It passed my test for sure!!  Those look pretty straight to me!!!

Woohoo!! How great is that??  I did all three boards without any leaking at all.

I love this tape!

Want to see the rest of it?

Do you like them?  I made them for my little lady's nursery!  I'll show you guys how to make the owls in another post.

You will love this stuff!

For me, there was a very clear difference between ScotchBlue Edge-Lock and the other guys.

If you are looking for painter's tape that TRULY gives you a perfect edge... This is the tape for you!

Want to try some yourself?!?

ScotchBlue will be giving 8 of our readers their own roll of ScotchBlue Edge-Lock to try out!

How do you win?

You can have 3 entries...

1. Leave me a comment here!

2. Follow ScotchBlue on Facebook and leave me a comment letting me know!

3. Follow ScotchBlue on Twitter and leave another comment!

Pretty simple!

Now... Let's hear those comments!

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Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Sounds great! I would love to win a roll.

Anjie said...

I would LOVE to try this! I've been needing to paint my kids's rooms and am nervous about taping off corners and the baseboards.
Cute owls!

Anjie said...

I "like" ScotchBlue on FB.

Anjie said...

I follow ScotchBlue on Twitter now too! (AbeHunin)

elisekayem said...

Wow LOVE your owls!! I think I'm going to have to give this one a try myself!! :)

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

elisekayem said...

I like Scotch Blue on facebook!

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

Cindy said...

Would love a perfect line without touch-ups!

elisekayem said...

I'm now following scotch blue on twitter! (@elisekayem)

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

Cindy said...

Following ScotchBlue on Twitter now (chippewacreek) :)

Cindy said...

Like ScotchBlue on FB :)

Tammy P said...

So stink'n ADORABLE !!! I can't wait to see how to make the owls.


Tammy P. said...

I'm following Scoth Blue on FB =)



Anonymous said...

I am painting my room soon, this would be perfect!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

not entering, but just want to say I love your project! Oh my! how cute. I loved the boards with the stain and the red, then after the owls, OH so cute!
great job.
ohhh PS I LOVE SCOTCHBLUE. sorry, don't mean to shout, just wanted you to know that.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try out the new tape!

Leslie Owens

Lori said...

We are renovating out house and we are painting every room. This tape sounds perfect! I would love to try it out.

Rebecca said...

Love the owls! Thank you =]

Rebecca said...

I *liked* Scotch blue painters tape on fb =]

Anonymous said...

The owls are DARLING! I love how simple but pretty that project is. And um WOW that tape is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Liked on Facebook! :D

Mary said...

Would be great to try this, I hate the blue tape I use always leaking paint under it. Going to have to go find me some.

Jessica said...

I would love to try this! I use blue tape several times each week:)

Jessica said...

I am now a FB fan of ScotchBlue:)

Jessica said...

I just started following ScotchBlue on twitter as well!!

Fuhriman Family said...

Would Love to try some of the new scotchblue tape. My husbands a painter and he hates the old stuff.

Dee said...

I have a ton of paining to do and would love a roll!

Dee said...

I "like" scotchblue on facebook

Linh C. said...

I follow scotchblue on facebook.

Linh C. said...

Lovely owls! The tape is impressive. I'd love to give it a try.

Leslie M. said...

I would like to try it!

amberdawn said...

Awesome! I wonder how well it works on walls? That is where I always see a little seepage!

Rach said...

We are painting soon, so this would be perfect. Can't wait to see the tutorial too...

JeanM said...

I have a few projects that I can really use this tape for so please enter me as well. Thank you.

smalltownsentiments said...

I would love to try this!

GynnaB said...

Soo cool! I despise uneven lines!

Jaime said...

Yes the tape is great but your owls take the cake. I love awesome FRUGAL artwork and this sure fits the bill. My next post has some blue tape in it but I will definitely be buying the edge lock next round. Thanks for the great product tip.

catie said...

awesome! we are getting ready to paint pretty soon so this would be opportune timing!

Liz said...

I am always looking for a better tape...Hate bleeding paint!

Brooke @ Finding Home said...

Those little signs are tooooo cute! I would love to try out this tape! Especially since I'm about to start repainting my house! :-)

Angie K. said...

Would love to try this...I'm so tired of touching up where the painter's tape doesn't work. Love your project!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try it!

Angie K. said...

I'm "liking" ScotchBlue on FB!

Angie K. said...

I'm a ScotchBlue follower on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

Following on FB

Mel said...

If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it :)

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Wowwww that is so cool ! I just painted
my living room and was so frustrated at
the "other" blue tape leaking through ~


Life Of A Southern Couple - Brittany said...

Love the owl art! I have wanted to do something similar and I have never tried that tape. This would be a great opportunity!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

I am now a follower on Twitter !

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

I am also following on facebook !

Life Of A Southern Couple - Brittany said...

I love the owl art! I have been wanting to create something like this soon. I have never used this tape and would love the opportunity to try it out!!!

Brandi said...

Looks like great stuff! I would love to win a roll!

Cory said...

how cute. i love the owls. so sweet. i would love to do something like this@!
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

Amy said...

I would love some. And those owls are adorable.

Penny of This-N-That said...

This comment came just in time. I am getting ready to do some major painting projects. I can't wait to try it out.

mindy said...

well. i sure love owls. so this would be a fun first project!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sweetie...
I need this. I am going to be painting my bedroom in two colors and will be taping it off. I would love to give this a try.

Please thrown my name into the drawing. I SO want to play.

Love the owls and I will be watching for the tutorial for this one.

Many thanks sweetie and SO much love, Sherry

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Those owls are so stinking cute!

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I'm following on facebook.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I'm following on twitter.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Sweetie...
Country Wings here again. I liked this blue tape on Facebook.

Many thanks for the wonderful opportunity to try a really great product.

Country hugs and much love, Sherry

Kirby said...

I see alot of painting in my future! I want some of this!!!

Homeroad said...

Love them! My mother and my daughter collect owls. I love the pictures!

Thank you!

Heidi said...

Sounds fun! I'd love to be able to try it!

Anonymous said...

i would love to win a roll of this tape!!!!

Stephanie said...

I LOVE THE OWLS! What a great idea to stain, and then paint, I love the way it creates a frame like appearance. You did a wonderful job! I would love to try some of the tape!

Jenny said...

I love the owl pictures! This tape looks awesome!

Stephanie said...

I liked scotchblue on facebook!

Heidi said...

I would LOVE to find tape that actually works!!

Penny of This-N-That said...

I am following ScotchBlue on Twitter

Penny of This-N-That said...

I am following ScotchBlue on FB

Sims Family said...

I would love to try this new tape! Send some my way!

sims.whitney at

Tania said...

I would love to try the ScotchBlue Edge-Lock tape. I'm loving the owl art.

Linnea said...

I'm moving soon and will need painter's tape!

Tania said...

I like ScotchBlue on Facebook.

April said...

I would love to win some of this magic tape. I hate when the blue stuff lets paint leak under!

Tania said...

Following ScotchBlue on Twitter.

Linnea said...

I "liked" ScotchBlue" on Facebook.

April said...

I am now a follower of ScotchBlue on FB :-)

Kyra @ RACKS and Mooby said...

Wow - what a clean line! Amazing! Thanks for the chance!

Molly said...

I would love to try the new tape!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I definitely need me some of that. :)


JunqueMagnet said...

I would love to try this out.Clean lines would be fantastic.Thanks for sharing.

Charmingdesigns said...

Funny how it has taken so long to come up with this tape..Hope I win, if not...I'll be purchasing some. Love your blog

Cosmo said...

Those lines look perfect! Love the owls.

Sara Tornow said...

How can you go wrong with a free roll of tape to test out!

Yuri Yoshida said...

We're getting our own place and this would really help with all the new decorating I'll be doing!! :D

Jenni said...

how cool is that?! love your little owl pictures!

Debbi said...

Would LOVE to try this! Thanks for the chance.


Haley Hill said...

I love this stuff! I would love some more because I know I'll be using it!

Jane said...

Those lines are so precise. I would love to win some of this!

Jane said...

I am a FB follower of Scotch Blue!

Korrie@RedHenHome said...

The owls are so cute! What a fun idea for a nursery.

Julia said...

Those are so cute!

wintunancy said...

Love the artwork and the tape looks like it is a winner, hope I am too!

Ashley said...

Oooh oooh!! ME ME!! I use painters tape all the time!!

The Scrappy Cottage said...

Wow that does lcok down. Like the owl frames you did.....

Chelsea said...

super cute owls!

chelsealexander at hotmail

Chelsea said...

following on twitter!

chelsealexander at hotmail

Chelsea said...

following on FB!

chelsealexander at hotmail

DJ Rose said...

Cool. I want some.
my3djbeads at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Would love to win a free roll of tape!

Anonymous said...

Liked Scotch on FB

Lisalulu said...

finally something that will help me paint.. I'm going to have to check this out.

lorena said...

Cool owls! I'd love to try that tape out! :)

lorepuckett at verizon dot net

Denissa said...

I would love to win a roll!! Just getting ready to paint my bedroom :)

elle said...

I love owls! Can't wait for that tutorial post! Also I love the new tape! lauwil07 at gmail dot com.

Whitney & McKayla said...

I love blue tape!

Whitney & McKayla said...

I "liked" on facebook.

Whitney & McKayla said...

I'm now a Twitter follower as well.

MerryBerry said...

I would love to give this stuff a try!! I'm constantly working on painting projects around our house and now that we have our first little one on the way, I'll have a lot more painting projects to get the nursery in order! This tape would be the perfect thing to help me finish all these projects in a timely fashion!

barneyn said...

they look sooo cute!! love owls!!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

barneyn said...

following scotchBlue on twitter!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous! And i love, love, love those little owls. Can't wait to see you you did it.

Kristen said...

Please enter me.

Kristen Smith

Kristen said...

I signed up on FB. Thanks.

Kristen Smith

Heather said...

I actually used this tape on Monday and everything you say is TRUE!!!! It was awesome.=)

Heather said...

I follow the tape on fb.=)

Auntie Lolo said...

Love this!!!!! Such a great idea.

BevB said...

cute owls! Would love to try this tape.

PatsyB said...

My husband is a painter and he says it's very rare that a tape doesn't allow any leakage. I showed him this blog and he says, "We'll see about that!" So, I need a roll of this good stuff to prove him wrong!(I love to do that!!!) Then, I am going to paint my family room and make it look wonderful!
I love that you try out these products and let us know so we don't blow our craft money on junk that doesn't work!!!
thanks for everything

Karen said...

I would love a roll. I am in the middle of painting the entire inside of my home......thanks

Charlene said...

Oh! I could see some fun in my future with blue painter's tape, my new Silhouette, and spray paint. Hope I win!

Jenn A said...

WOW! That's impressive!
good (dot) cooker (at) hotmail (dot) com

Sangeetha said...

wow it works! I think I'm going to go buy one, but would not mind winning as well

Dinner For One said...

Only because a peeve I have is how measurements are explained...state a 1x4x12 with length being last. I couldn't visualize what size board you were working with at first until I saw your wood. Sorry...BUT the owl art is FABULOUS! So very cute...and the painters tape is a must have for every woman who loves home decor!!

Dawn said...

i'd love to win a roll-we have so much painting to do in our house

Megan said...

Would love to win a roll! Regardless of how lucky I am, I am so excited to read a good review of a specific type of painter's tape. I am normally paralyzed by indecision when I'm in that I know what to try next!

Rustown Mom said...

Those cute little owls would look great in my kitchen - can't wait to see the whole enchilada!

Libby said...

I've got the perfect project for this in my kitchen using chalkboard paint that's been put off forever. Would love to win.

C'est la Vie said...

ok I'm impressed...I need it to finish my sons science project a cyclone in a bottle..all the other tapes has like so seaped water...

Amy said...

I have several painting projects coming up and this could sure come in handy!

Leigh said...

I would LOVE to give this stuff a try!

Leigh said...

And I'm a FB follower.

Angie said...

i have the perfect project in mind too!!

rennieangie at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love owls, They are so pretty!
I would like to do too.

amberdawn said...

I like them on FB now too!

Victoria at Party Puff said...

I use lots of painters tape and could use some of this!

The Denny Family said...

Owls are mine and my girls FAVORITE thing right now. I can so excited for your post on how to do the owls b/c heavens knows I'm not a free had drawer!!

. said...

First, I LOVE the owl artwork! :)

And second, I'd LOVE to try this tape! I have never had any luck with painters tape, so I'd love to see if I have better luck with this!

Stefanie said...

What a cute idea!

Lisa J said...

I would love a roll!
thanks for the chance to win. :)

Lisa J said...

I follow ScotchBlue on FB as well. :)

Unknown said...

Ooh I need some of this!!! :) Your owls are cute by the way! Really like the red!

Unknown said...

I like ScotchBlue on Facebook!

Unknown said...

I follow Scotchblue on Twitter! @Kassarie

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

I always struggle with blue tape...would love to try this!

Sherron said...

I have several painting projects planned and this tape would be wonderful to work with!

Sarah said...

Neat! I love the owls!

Heidi V said...

We will soon be painting E.V.E.R.Y. single room in our house so this would be an awesome help!

rebecca said...

that is impressive!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

Tambra Starnes said...

Glad to know about this! My experience with painters tape has not been successful ~ can't wait to try iT!

Sharesa Larsen said...

Awesome job with the owls! I would love to try a roll!

CaraRose said...

Looks like the blue tape works great. Love the cute little owls too. Thanks for the wonderful blog posts..I enjoy it.

Immi said...

How nice that there's finally a tape out there that won't allow bleeding under the edges!

Randi said...

Would love to give it a try!!

Anonymous said...

Good painter's tape is hard to find! I'd love to see how it would do with a brush or roller.

Anonymous said...

followed on Twitter

1 Buddha's Mom said...

Would be perfect for my upcoming paint project(s)!:)

1 Buddha's Mom said...

I am following Scotch Blue on FB:)

The Glitter Sisters said...

Oooh! I'm so glad you posted this! My daughter wants stripes on her walls and I thought it was going to be a disaster! I wonder if it will work on a textured wall?

1 Buddha's Mom said...

I am following Scotch Blue on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Loven thoes owls! I have them in my little girls room too! Ill be back to see how you made them!

Anne said...

I wonder how it works when using a paint brush...

Stephanie said...

That tape looks awesome! If it works on textured walls it's a godsend. Love your owl art btw!

Stephanie said...

I follow them on FB

Anonymous said...

Wow that stuff works great.

Stephanie M.

Marnie said...

Those are super cute!

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

What an adorable idea!

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I like scotch blue on fb

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I've read lots of good things about this tape, I'd love to win some to try out. Your owl art is sooo cute.

Staci @ Life's Sweeter with Chocolate said...

I wish I would have had this when I painted our house!!! We're about to start repainting. I would LOVE to try it!!


Staci @ Life's Sweeter with Chocolate said...

I am following on FB.


Staci @ Life's Sweeter with Chocolate said...

I am following on twitter.


Eric Rogers said...

Those are super cute!

Karen Sabrsula said...

would love to get my hands on this tape! As a decorative artist, i go through ROLLS of tape! This one looks awesome!

Karen Sabrsula said...

I am a FB follower!

Kimmy said...

Oh I love those prints, they are darling!!!

Nancy Markosky said...

wow- I paint a lot and that looks like it works amazingly well.

Anonymous said...

Love those owls! Would love some of that tape too :)
-Amy Peacock

Elena said...

How cool! I want to make my own art!

Anonymous said...

Great project, love the colors, would not think to paint over the stain like that.... Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I follow Scotch Blue on FB

Debbie said...

Painting would be so much more fun with this tape and no leaking. I would love to try for several paint projects on my list.

Bailey said...

I love tape...but how well does this work if you have rough texturing? show me a test!!

steffany said...

I am going to have to get some of that for myself, it looks great. Thanks for the helpful review.

Megan@Just For Me...And You said...

Love your owl project!

Megan@Just For Me...And You said...

follow on twitter-JustForMeAndYou

justformeandyou2 at gmail dot com

Aviva said...

I love how that turned out!! Great job! :) I've been looking for something similar to do as art in my sister's room. Thanks for the idea!

Saundra said...

Sounds and looks like it works great. Would love to win some.

Unknown said...

We are going to be moving soon. I would love to use this tape when we repaint!

Unknown said...

I am following on FB.

Unknown said...

I am following on twitter.

Cami said...

Holy Cow! I am all kinds of impressed!

Court said...

I am re-painting all of the trim in my house and if this blue tape works that well. I am all over it. It is so frustrating to have to go back and touch up because the other tapes don't keep the paint from dripping through.

Court said...

I am a follower on FB.

Staci said...

Awesome! The tape and the owls!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Owls are so popular right now! I'd love some tape!

Valerie said...

I always have issues with jagged paint lines. Would love to give this a try!

Valerie said...

Following ScotchBlue of FB! :)

Dayna said...

Now I really want to try that!!! It sure would've come in handy with a project I'm working on now!

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