Monday, January 25, 2010

This Project is in the Oven...

Hey guys! I thought I would let you all in on a little, tiny surprise!  Here it is!!

I'm having a baby! Woohoo! This will be baby #4 for me.  It was more than planned and also a wonderful surprise!  He or she has a due date of September 8th and I am so excited!

This is also a post of projects to come... baby bedding, nursery decor, furniture and so many more!  It makes me want to get up and craft lay down and take ANOTHER nap :) !

I've been so excited to share the news with you guys and after seeing my little bean and hearing the heartbeat today I knew it was time.

God is so good.... And we are so thankful!!


post signature


Amanda in GA said...


Leanne said...

Congratulations! I"m so excited for you and your family. Have a beautiful day!

Wright Family said...

God is good! All the time!!! Congrats!

Anjie said...

Congrats! I love hearing news as good at that. :)

Mary said...

Yeah! Congratulations! I am partial to that special #4 child! They are the best! ;o)

ChainedAngel said...

Congratulations!! Now could you send some baby dust my way???We're crossing our fingers that this is our month... :)

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

CONGRATS on jelly bean number 4!

So exciting! Many wishes for a healthy & happy pregnancy.

I cannot wait to see all the baby related crafts to come!

Heather Henderson said...


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Congratulations, I'm so happy for you.

Rachelle said...

Woohoo! Congrats!

Amber Filkins said...


Kelsey said...

Congrats!! I am happy you will be doing all baby projects, Our family is expecting in August. Can't wait to see what you do and to be able to copy!

Cindy said...

As a mother to 5 Children..congratulations..I love big are blessed.


Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Yeah, Whitney!!!!
I have four and I love it! The more the merrier! I can't wait to see your projects for this little one's nursery.
God bless you and the baby!

Just Rhonda said...


randee said...


Marg said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful.

Stacey said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't imagine. My hands are full with 2! Bless you lady, Bless you!

3LittleByrds said...

Congrats!! I wish I could talk my hubby into a 4th.

Brittany@Superwoman said...


Pat B. said...

EX * CIT * ING!!!!!!

God bless ALL of you!

Pat B.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Congratulations! What a blessing!

Anne Marie said...

how wonderful you are so happy! even more impressive is your contagious attitud toward motherhood........I have 5, and would have 5 more - each life is precious -

Blessings to you!

due date??

cindy said...

Yay! A new fuzzy head to sniff :)

We have 6, and by the time we got to 4, it was a piece of cake...and btw, our 4th was born in Dallas TX (the only one of our brood not born in Indiana).

Blessings to you for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Anonymous said...


Chic Mommy said...

Congrats....I can't wait to see some baby projects. The funnest thing was decorating my little ones nursery and I can't wait to do it again with number two.

Yes indeed you are very blessed.. a happy healthy pregnancy.

Amy Kinser said...

So happy for you and your family.
God bless you all.


Unknown said...

Wow 4! Congrats to you and your family! I'm still trying to get use to 3 and my youngest is almost!

Sandra said...

Congratulations!! We have 6 sons and 1 grandson so I love big families. :) I love my boys.

Launa said...

WOW!! Congratulations!! My #5 and first boy will be here any day now! I'm so excited too! I can't wait to see all the baby shanty's you turn chic! Now go take a nap! ;)

Rich, Britt, Nate, and Tate said...

Yeah for you and me. We are expecting on the same day!

PandaMOMium said...


Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

Congrats! God bless!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Congratulations!!! I know you are so excited. Love & blessings from NC!

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

yeay! how fantastic. The world needs more good moms and good homes like yours bringing little people into the world :)

Jenny said...


Infarrantly Creative said...

Squeeeeal! Congratulations...I admire you even more know...4 kids! You rock my world.

Jen said...

Congrats, you and my sister in law share a due date!!!

Amber said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see all the projects you come up with!

Taija said...

Congratulations! How wonderful! I can't wait to see all the amazing things you make for your little one!

Heather said...

Congratulations! I am pregnant with my second - due September 19th. I can't wait for the ultrasound and listening to the heartbeat!

my4sons said...

Congratulations Whitney! Excited to see all you come up with for your new little one!

Dawn said...

Congratulations, Whitney!!!

I'm so excited for you and your family!!!

The Chatty Housewife said...

Oh how wonderful! Congratulations, it is wonderful news!

Morgan Lea @ Gloryfilled said...

Congrats!That's a great day-My Birthday!

Unknown said...

Oh' Whitney ~ That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you and your family. I'm looking forward to all the baby crafts and decor. I would just love to do a baby room but that definitely won't be happening.

Hugs and best wishes, Tracy :)

Janine Claire Robinson said...

How exciting!!! Congratulations :-) Keep those feet up and make sure you get all the pampering you deserve over these next few months! Love Janine

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Oh wow!!! Congrats to you AND to us! We get to see a whole lotta new stuff around this project. :)


miss Yelpington said...

congratulations, you truly are blessed i wish you and your family all the best xxx

duchess said...

Congratulations!! What great news.
So happy for you & your growing family.

Lolly said...

Yeah Whitters! I think Ashley needs to join you. She would have lots of fun with a little girl. She could build the entire nursery furniture. She might even could add on a room.

Belinda C said...

What a very happy thing. Congratulations! =)

Design A-Peele said...

congrats!! Can't wait to see what projects are to come!

Miss Obara said...

Congrats! That'll be one of your best projects yet!

Frugal Jen said...

Congrats! I am also pregnant with #4 and due just a few weeks earlier. Looking forward to all your great nursery ideas!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! We are due with #2 in June and can't wait to see and try some of the fantastic baby projects you will be posting.

Carol said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see what fun projects you make for your baby! I hope you're feeling ok. I always hated the morning sickness part.

Bonita said...

That's the best kind of homemade project! Congratulations!

Amy said...

Congratulations! Sept. 8 is my oldest son's birthday. It's a good day. :)

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

Congratulations ! and September is good month .

Unknown said...


Kate said...

Babies are the best blessing! Congrats to you and your family!

Kate said...

Babies are the best blessing! Congrats to you and your family!

MeenyMoe said...

Congratulations to you and your family!! What wonderful news!

Devin & Ruthann said...

Hey congratulations!!! Babies are such a blessing!

Amber@Munchkin Land said...

What a wonderful gift to come in September. That is the exact due date that my little girl was supposed to be due on last year. She ended up coming Sept 11, 2009. A day hard to forget in more way than one. Not sure when we'll have baby #4 but sometime down the road for sure. :o) Rest up!

Tracy said...

Congrats~My friend Brittany is having her baby today...Nolan Reid..

Babies are so seems like everyone around me is having little ones...when my little ones are all growing up way too fast, it makes me want another one. (just for a moment) ;o}

beth said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see all of the projects for you new little blessing!

Le Petit Amour said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting. Thank you for sharing the wonderful news! I'm a fellow local Texas girl - I just opened an online baby boutique. We are adding items daily - but you should check it out.

By the way I just love your blog - I went out this weekend and bought frames and paint. It was funny explaining to my husband what crackle paint was! But the frames turned out great - even he thought so! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. - Rachael

trish said...

Congratulations Whitney!
What a precious gift you have there!
Sincerely - Trish

Brooke said...

Love it! Congratulations. . .

now get on the projects so I can get some ideas :)

I have three months left in my pregnancy and I have the itch to get creative, just not sure what I want to do. Such confusing emotions, get creative, but brain block (I also blame pregnancy for that!!)

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

My congratulations to you and your little one!

Heidi said...

Oh, so much fun! You will be a great mother of 4! Can't wait to see what you come up with for nursary projects! No pressure. :)

the thrifty ba said...

so this means you might be putting ideas on how to make a nursery all shanty! woo hoo!

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us...but take it easy and get your rest!

Melissa said...


Indiri Wood said...


Anna & Noah said...

CONGRATS! Whoa...#4?! I'm freaking out about #2 coming in April. You make me look like a novice!

In all seriousness, best wishes to you & your family.

Unknown said...

congratulations!! you will have to keep us posted! and be sure to post quickly.. i am due September 4th, so i will need lots of inspiration for MY nursery too!!

sahmqueen said...

This made me say, "Ahhhhh!" Congrats. I have 3 boys and have wondered what #4 would be. I'd like a girl. I am 33 and get kind of squeamish at the thought of being pregnant again. God IS Good!

Denissa said...

Praise God!! Congrats :) We both have a Hayden, but I wasn't sure if yours is a little boy or girl? Mine is a boy :)

Aja said...

Congratulations! So happy for you.

The Asquad said...

WOOHOO!!! I never question His will, just am always amazed with His timing!! CONGRATS!!!

Elder Esplin said...

YAY...I'm so excited for you!

Resh Rene` said...

AWWWW How wonderful!! I am so happy for you. So baby number 4, have you told 1-3 yet? What do they think?

Here's hoping for an easy next 9 months and looking forward to seeing all your crafting at work for the new baby!

Vanessa said...

Congratulations and enjoy that nap!

Heather O'Pry said...

Congratulations! My sister in law and best friend are expecting as well, so I would love to make some gifts for them. I look forward to more baby posts.

Rachel~Wildflower Photography Studio and Wildflower Creative said...



Rachel~Wildflower Photography Studio and Wildflower Creative said...



Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Congratulations and yes, God is good, all the time!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

You girls are UNBELIEVABLE! Wish I had the energy and wish I could go back in time and do what your doing when I was raising my children! But AHHHH my Huhoney is so good at what he does...also a carpenter it would hurt his feeling if I stepped on his turf...LOL great job and I love visiting your blog! and oh BTW congrats on the new arrival! Cant wait for more updates!

Alana Jo said...

Congrats! My niece just found out she is preggo too.

N @ Cheap Like a Birdie said...

Congratulations, you are very blessed!

N @ Cheap Like a Birdie said...

Congratulations, you are very blessed!

traci in virginia said...

Congratulations! My daughter was born on September 8th. It is a wonderful day!
Best of luck to you!!

leelea said...

Awwww....congrats!!!! Blessings to you!!!!

VintageFokus said...

Congratulations! Best wishes to you and bub!

Mommy Words said...

Congratulations! I had baby #3 last week and was just thinking how I didn't feel done and then I came here! So odd. I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, that is great news!! Can't wait to see all the projects you come up with!

Deliverable Designs said...

AWWWWW CONGRATS! You deserve it! I love your blog and read it religiously.

Terri S said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news!!

Kara Clayton said...

How exciting! Congratulations!!! We have 4 boys...our first one, Corbin, had the same due date of yours, September 8th! He was born 6 days early though on September 2. I'll be praying for you as I know what it is like to be pregnant with 3 children already to take care of and trying to still do crafts all the time! You'll have so much fun doing the baby room!

Cottage Dreamers said...

Hurray! Children are such a wonderful blessing!

mommyto2 said...


The Single Nester said...

Congrats! All the best to you!

Kacey said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see all the baby related posts!

The Payne's said...

That is just Awesome Whitney!!! I don't know how you do it all and make it look easy! Congratulations!

Carter crew 6 said...

Congrats! What are the ages of your children??

Carter crew 6 said...

Congtats! What are the ages of your children?

Lolly Jane said...

yay! i have 4 as well. you'll do just fine adjusting. :)

Roeshel said...

Whitney! I'm just popping over, catching up and had to comment:


Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 mos. (well 7 more!)!


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