Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Hall Wall

I hope you guys are sitting down because you are about to see something super exciting...

That is my hall.  Not a whole lot going on there... I know.
This is where we come in from the garage and my kids typically drop their bags on the floor.  After tripping on them way too many times I was finally inspired to follow in Ashley's footsteps.

I love the way her faux board and batten turned out for the baby's room so I thought I would do something very similar in this hallway.  Here is my very blank wall that I started with.

I started by measuring everything off.   I used 1x4 white wood pine so I would have a smooth finish.   I measured my top board first.   

I used my miter saw to cut all my boards.  For you guys who don't own a power saw I also love using my small hand saw.  It cuts super quick without much work and it was only $12 at Lowe's... Can't beat that!

I put Liquid Nails construction adhesive on the wall where my first board would be.

I then attached my board to the wall.   I marked my studs for this board and used finish nails to secure it into the studs.  I knew I would be putting weight on this board so I wanted it up there tight.

I then measured where each of my vertical boards would be and cut them with my saw.  I put Liquid Nails on each board and secured it to the wall where I had measured off.

First board done!

About 20 minutes later I had them all done!

For my shelf I couldn't go very big in this narrow hallway.  I was afraid someone would lose an eye on the corner of it.  I used a 1x2 in the same wood to create my shelf.  I added a line of Gorilla Wood Glue to the 1x2 and attached it to the top of my horizontal piece.

I secured it with very small finish nails.  Here it is drying...

At this point it was time to caulk.  Caulk hides all kinds of messes.  I love using it and for this project it covered up all my nail holes and seams where the wood meets the wall.

After the caulk dried I taped off my wall and painted the wood and the wall space in between with the same color as my trim.

I let it dry a few hours and then added hooks that I purchased at Lowe's for the kids bags and other junk. Here it is all finished.  My next project (Oh how that list keeps growing) is to make something for above the shelf.  For now, you guys get to see it blank :)  You should also know that I did move 2 very large baskets of clothes that need to be folded out of the way so I could get this picture.  It's funny how I seem to make time for projects and not laundry....

Hope you like it!  Thanks so much to Ash for tackling it first so I would have the guts to do it second ;)  I love the way it added some excitement to that very boring hallway!

On a fun and wonderful note...

Ashley and I welcomed our new baby niece over the weekend.  Our baby sister delivered this little cutie on Sunday and it was the best ever.

I love her to pieces and I was so blessed to be a part of it.  She is a lucky girl to have such amazing parents.  Thanks so much guys!  Ashley will be welcoming hers in a week so keep her in your prayers.

Have a great week!


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  1. That looks fantastic! Who would have thought a couple of boards and you would have a whole new custom look! Love your Blog by the way! So many great ideas!

  2. Love, love, love!!! I wish I could find a place for this!

  3. I love what you did... I am planing to do the same only in my son's room.

    PS what is the babies name?

  4. Adorable baby! Love your new hall! We did this treatment on my son's bedroom wall about 10 years ago and I loved it!

  5. I love your new hallway. Thanks for sharing.

    Tara over @ http://tarahebison.blogspot.com/

  6. Whitney, I love the project. It adds so much and it turned out great. Your niece is precious. I never would have imagined Leasha carrying a dark haired baby. She's beautiful. How exciting.

  7. This looks great.Beautiful and functional. I need to do something like this in my laundry room. The door to our garage goes into the laundry room, so it is our dumping spot. Beautiful work, I love the big letter too!

  8. Gorgeous!!!! I just love that it looks pretty and that it's an organizational/functional tool!

  9. Looks gorgeous. A perfect use of space in that hallway. Bravo ladies.

  10. It looks fabulous! I love how useful it will be too. Congrats on your new niece. She is precious!

  11. Really well done, I am trying to figure out if there is a place I can do that as well!

  12. Ahhhhmazing! You know I woke up this morning and was thinking "I really haven't seen anything very inspiring in blog land recently". And then you suprise me with this! You're so sweet =) All the little things that I wish I could do in a rental home. Can't wait until I'm a homeowner again, oh the woodworking party we will have!

  13. The wall is fabulous, but it is upstaged by that adorable little bundle. Congratulations to your family!

  14. Love that idea. And congrats on your new niece!

    If you ever wanted to add a shallow cube tower, you might like this one:


  15. It looks so great!! Definitely not boring anymore =)

  16. I love how it turned out, and the hooks are a genius idea!

  17. Now that is a clever way to utilize wasted space. I love how the kids can just hang their stuff so easily. Well done. Congratulations on your new niece, she is a doll.

  18. I find it amazing that I can go through all the before & to-do pics and still get all gaspy in awe at the final result.
    This is beautiful! I love the addition of the hooks. Really takes it up like 10 notches! Well done!
    Also, so great to see God's blessing on another beautiful girl for your family to enjoy!!

  19. That's incredible! I totally love it :)

  20. looks GREAT!!! And congratulations on your new baby niece!
    <3 cara
    PS. new to your blog :)

  21. WOW!!!! That's pretty amazing!!!!

  22. I can't believe how easy you made that look! What an impact!!

    And congrats on the adorable new niece!!

  23. Love board & batten... great idea for a hallway!

  24. Looks great ... beautiful!

    Congratulations on your new niece!


  25. I love the board and batten for the hall! I haven't been digging it too much in regular rooms, but this looks perfect!

  26. Wonderful idea! Did a similar project adding P-Board as a backing and painted the P-Board in different colors! Did some awesome shadow boxes using the same concept and made them real big for the study, square shaped...angled them into diamonds and placed the books in them sideways, it makes for a wonderful non-traditional bookcase! Love your project!

  27. 'Wow that's great! Not only does it change the look entirely but it ad
    ds storage space as well. Well done!

  28. I love this look! And so convenient! What more can a girl ask for!
    Definetly on my do to list!

  29. WOW! That looks awesome! Good job!

  30. I have thought about doing this...love how yours turned out...looks GREAT!!!


  31. This is beyond fabulous, it's stunningly creative. I love the idea. Hugs. Tammy

  32. Love this- I did it in my front hall-simple but what a huge impact-looks great with the hooks too! Such a cute little girl you have and what an adorable niece!

  33. this is so gorgeous!! and you made it seem effortless! amazing

    now i want to buy a house so i can do it!!

  34. Wow! That looks great! And you make it look so easy. . .like. . .something I could do :) Thanks for sharing. . .hope your kiddos actually *use* it!!!

  35. Wow - that looks SO great!! My head is spinning just thinking about trying this out in my home...where, where, where?? Thanks for a great how to post!

  36. Wow...that really turned out great. Nice job.

  37. I love this!! So much that I did it my bedroom following your directions! I even did it ALL without my hubby :) I posted about it but referred people back here to your blog! http://joshuaandrachelconatser.blogspot.com/2011/01/bedroom-makeover-faux-board-batten.html
