Friday, October 29, 2010

So Stinkin' Cute!!!

I hope you guys aren't too sick of hearing about my new Silhouette!!  

I have  about 237,484 or so projects in mind with it so I hope not :)  Here is my latest!

I started with this little top and bottom I purchased at Wal-Mart for $2 a piece.

For this project I am using Silhouette's Smooth Black Transfer Material with my machine.

Here is my machine...

I cut a small piece of transfer material and put it in the machine with the glossy side down.  The picture below would be the wrong way to do it.  I definitely put the glossy side up first because I did not feel the need to read directions....

I downloaded a peace sign from Silhouette's online store.  I LOVE this feature of Silhouette.  It's very similar to iTunes.  They have a massive online store of clipart and designs fro $.99 a piece.  It takes just a second to pick, download and checkout and then it immediately adds it to your library.

After cutting the peace sign with the machine I peeled the extra material off.  You just want to peel away what you don't want to be ironed on.  Here's mine!

That leaves the clear part a bit tacky which is great because it stays in place while you are ironing.  I placed it on my onesie below.  You have to use a high cotton setting on your iron for 45-60 seconds.  I also poured the water out of my iron first.

Then, I placed a piece of fabric over my design and ironed it.

A minute later I was done and peeled the clear plastic piece from the design.  It pulled up super easy.

And I was left with this cutie! I was hesitant to post until I washed it to make sure it washes well and good news!  It washed awesome.  I hang dry many of my clothes and this said to hang dry for longer lasting designs so that was no problem.

Little Miss wasn't totally cooperating when I tried to get an action shot but here are a few anyway :)

Haha... Can't you tell she loves it??

I love how I turned a $4 Wally world outfit into a custom design for almost nothing!  Can't wait to make more!!  Go check out our friends over at Silhouette!!  It is the bomb and you will so not be disappointed!!

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  1. This is on my wish list for Christmas. What a cool machine. Great job! And super cute baby model :)

  2. Too cute!


  3. Adorable! Can this same stuff be cut with the Cricut? That's all I got (and I love it). :)

  4. I love her. And I love your super cool custom outfit. You might want to hide your machine on Monday...I've been trying really hard not to steal it but the more you post about what you've done with it the more I sense my resistance growing weak. Watch out! Muahaha!

  5. I was wondering the same thing... can this be used with a Cricut also? If not, I think I found what I want for Christmas. :)

  6. I totally {heart} my silhouette!! The onesie turned out cute!

  7. So cute and she looks precious wearing it. She looks like she's growing from the last time I saw her. She was a peanut then. :)

  8. Love it!What a cute little model!
    It was my birthday yesteday, and I am thinking aout getting the Silouette for my birthday ....
    Thanks for the info. keep 'em coming!

  9. I've decided to get this machine and I am so excited!

  10. I'm getting one for Christmas.
    SO cute what you did with it.
    I want to see the other 237,484 things you have planned. Never will get sick of seeing your playtime with the Silhouette SD.
