Hey guys! So we said I had an announcement this week and here it is.....
I've jumped on the Baby Bandwagon too and we are expecting our 3rd little one on Nov. 10 of this year!!!
Baby Bandwagon???? Well, not only are Whitney and I pregnant but our baby sisters Leasha and her hubby are expecting their first October 24!!!!! So Whitney is due in September, Leasha is due in October and I am due in November - we did not plan it this way I promise but we do feel so blessed that we can all share this experience with each other and raise kids so close in age. To top that all off our sister Kyndra and her hubs just had their second baby in November so within 1 year we will have welcomed 4 new babys into our family! Can't wait for Christmas this year!!!!!! So, you can expect double the baby decor for the next few months as we are both preparing to welcome our little ones into the world:) (I'm struggling with the energy right now but it I should get it back soon.....) Hope you all have a great weekend!

HOw exciting!!! What a blessing....congrats to you ALL!!!!
Congratulations to all of you! 2 of my sisters, myself, and a brother all had babies within 6 months of each other (3 of them within a month). They are 14yo now and are best buddies (2 boys, 2 girls) - we live 3 hrs from the other 3 but they keep in close touch w/ text messages on their phones, facebook, and email. We get them together whenever possible and they have a blast. I'm sure you will have many fun times watching them grow as we have. Blessings to all!!!
woohoo!! Congratulations to all of you! :D
They say pregnancy hormones are contagious..so to speak...I believe you have proven that!!
At one time in the 80's our young ladies bible study had 22 women in it.Within a 6 month period all but 4 were pregnant..they had had their tubes tied. The "vibe" was so strong that when my third child was 3 months old...I found out I was pregnant again..surprise!! Boy did attendance go down in that group...lol
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you all!
What exciting news. That's wonderful. Congratulations to everybody!
Congrats to you both!! Our family welcomed 3 new babies last year. My niece was born in May 2009, I had another son August 2009, and a nephew born Oct. 2009. It was not planned that way either - my mom was really busy making baby blankets!!
How exciting and fun. I hope everything goes well for all 3 of you. Now I am starting to get the baby blues. My "baby" is 3....
Congrats, girls! How are you ever going to do it all? Take it easy and take care of your little "beans." :)
Congratulations! So exciting.... There must be something in the blogosphere--I keep seeing baby announcements! lol
Lisa @ All That and a Box of Rocks
That's wonderful!!! Congratulations! It's such a great experience to share pregnancy with sisters. At least, most of the time! ; )
Many wishes for a happy pregnancy!
Congratulations ! That is exciting news and so much fun to be pregnant all together ~
Congratulations. Those are the best "projects" to create!
congratulations! it's always fun to share this time family & cousins growing up together...blessedness!
How exciting, congratulations!!
How exciting!!! Congrats to you all!
Congratulations!!! how exciting it must be for your whole family.
Aw, arent' you all so lucky?! I had cousins that were very close in age to me- one is 10 days older than me!! Needless to say, birthdays parties were huge (and tons of fun) as were Easter egg hunts, Christamasses... Oh, don't forget about Halloween and starting school together! Lots of good things coming up for you gals!! A BIG congratulations!
Congratulations! That is such exciting news.
Both of my little ones have three cousins each born within a year. It is so fun to watch them grow up together.
I am excited to see all the darling baby projects over the next while.
That's SO exciting! Congratulations (to all)!!
aww i only have one baby sister and we were prego at the same time too!! it was awesome! we were 2 weeks apart lol
Congratulations to your family! That's wonderful! Best wishes for heathly pregnancies for all!
How exciting! It's so fun to have cousins the same age to play with. My baby is due TOMORROW. It's been a long road. But I'm ready to get my energy back!
Congrats! I'm due November 3rd and look forward to seeing baby ideas in the months to come!
Congratulations. How fun to have some many right around the same age.
Congrats to the 3 of you! There is something extra special about sharing a pregnancy with a sister (my sister and I were 3 wks apart with our girls). Enjoy the journey!
That is so awesome and exciting. I love the relationships I have with my cousins and that the kids have with their cousins. Some of my best memories are with my cousins.
3 is a perfect number!
That is exciting! I'm also due around Nov 5th with our second...so I'm gonna need all the baby inspirato that I can get! I haven't had any gumption the last few weeks for ANYTHING! Just now catching up on 4+ weeks of blogland!
Congratulations!! Being pregnant and having my 2 girls was the most joyous times in my life. I am so excited for you! Love & blessings from NC!
Congratulations!!! Welcome to the baby bandwagon!
I am due November 9th...what a small world.
That's amazing!! Congrats to all!!
That is so funny! How fun for your family! My cousin is due on November 11th.
How wonderful! Congrats to you all and enjoy every minute!
Oh I want one too!!!! I missed my chance to have an october baby like I wanted! what a nice time for deliveries! god bless your families and keep all those babies and Mommies healthy and Happy!
Congratulations! Three is SO FUN!
Congratulations to you both! :)
Babies are a blessing from above.
Enjoy them!
Congratulations! I hope you're feeling well.
Congrats!! My 3rd baby's b-day is Nov.10th :)
Congrats! I am looking forward to all the cute baby decor.
you girls really don't stop do you? I'll let you know when i jump on the baby bandwagon! I love your enthusiasm for being a mother-
So happy for all of you!! How exciting!
Wow, congrats! I'm due in November too! Nov. 5. I'm starting to feel a little more energetic again so here's hoping you'll be up and running in no time flat!
In 2007, our daughters and daughter-in-laws gave us 5 new grandbabies. It was such fun. Blessings on your pregnancy.
Congrats!!! So very exciting. I can't wait to see all of the baby decor!
Congratulations to all of you!:) It'll be wonderful having so many babies around at once. I love family; its so precious when you have a good one:)
Blessings to you,
Congratulations!! How exciting and fun. Hugs, Cindy S
A great time for celebration! and I now the 3 of you will do it in style! You should make everyone guess the sex of the babies when the time comes...post another pic...I love these inside baby pics...they are sooo fun! Of course when I was having babies....we didn't have these wonderful luxuries unless the docs thought something was wrong with your pregnancy. I love technology!
Congrats to all of you! How fun. Can't wait to see the cute projects you come up with! :)
Congrats!! That is so great!!
Check out my new
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!
CONGRATS!!! How exciting!! :)
Congrats, there's nothing better than the miracle of life! Your family is so blessed. Take care! :)
CONGRATS!! How EXCITING?! I just love the stuff you girls come up! Just became a follower and would be honored if y'all stopped by my blog to check it out!
I totally want that PLAYROOM closet too...but seriously...
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Hi There! I just stumbled upon your blog and love it. Then I read this and had to comment as I just found out last week that I am expecting my 3rd in December!! Congratulations! It's so much fun and my sister in law and I were prego with our sons at the same time and they are now 11 and are SUPER close, it's great! Can't wait to see what you two post next! Jamie
I just read this again.... I have to say I'm so happy for all of you! How blessed you must feel... :)
hugs & kisses
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