Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Owl Art and a Giveaway!!!

So, I was recently asked to try out this product.

I use blue tape on just about everything so I agreed to give it a try.

This is ScotchBlue's New Painter's Tape Edge-Lock.
I have always had trouble with paint leaking through my blue tape in the past but this tape has the new Edge-Lock Line Protector.

Sounds good... But does it really work?

I have had a project idea in my head for sometime now and knew this would be the perfect project to try my new tape on.

I started by cutting a 1x12x4 piece of white pine into 3 even squares.  If you don't have a saw, you can have Lowe's or Home Depot cut it for you!

After cutting my wood I used a dark mahogany stain with a foam brush to stain each of my pieces.  I let the stain soak for about 15 minutes and then wiped off the excess.

Here they are dry...

Now is where the new ScotchBlue Edge-Lock came into the picture.

I decided the best test for this mighty blue tape was some spray paint!

I lined the edges of my boards with my blue tape.  I lined the tape up with the sides to keep my lines straight.  I then took a second line of tape to cover my edges.

A bit closer...

Now the fun part!

I sprayed each board with my red spray paint.

After letting the spray paint dry I started removing my tape.

The results...

It passed my test for sure!!  Those look pretty straight to me!!!

Woohoo!! How great is that??  I did all three boards without any leaking at all.

I love this tape!

Want to see the rest of it?

Do you like them?  I made them for my little lady's nursery!  I'll show you guys how to make the owls in another post.

You will love this stuff!

For me, there was a very clear difference between ScotchBlue Edge-Lock and the other guys.

If you are looking for painter's tape that TRULY gives you a perfect edge... This is the tape for you!

Want to try some yourself?!?

ScotchBlue will be giving 8 of our readers their own roll of ScotchBlue Edge-Lock to try out!

How do you win?

You can have 3 entries...

1. Leave me a comment here!

2. Follow ScotchBlue on Facebook and leave me a comment letting me know!

3. Follow ScotchBlue on Twitter and leave another comment!

Pretty simple!

Now... Let's hear those comments!

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chunnym said...

I would LOVE to win a roll. Lots of crafts are waiting.... :)

Cheryl L said...

I like the owl project and the tape looks like it would work well with any type of project.

ccrlund at

Cheryl L said...

Hey I just liked ScotchBlue on facebook.

ccrlund at

Cheryl L said...

I follow ScotchBlue on twitter as @barginmom

ccrlund at

Cassie said...

Would love a roll :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Les said...

I need some supplies now that I have my craft island. I'm ready to get to work.

Les said...

Oops, like Scotch Blue on FB too

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this to make some artwork for the barren walls in my kitchen. Love what you've used it for!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a roll! those pics are so cute!!

Unknown said...

I would love to try that!

Unknown said...

I would love to try the ScotchBlue painters tape. I love nice crisp paint lines.

Unknown said...

Getting ready for a painting frenzy and this looks like a MUST -HAVE! I'm impressed that there wasn't any leaking around the edges at all... never managed to get that with the other blue painter's tapes I've tried.

The Thomas Family said...

Seriously?I have project in mind that a roll of this would make it so much easier! Y'all are amazing!

The Thomas Family said...

I am a facebook fan now!

Kara Clayton said...

Sounds fun, would love to try it! I'm always painting something!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Looks like the tape worked really well. My uncle, a painter, gave me a tip we used when we painted rooms in our house. Tape off where you want to paint. Then, on a 2-3 foot section at a time, run a line of clear caulk across the tape. Spread smooth with your finger, paint over top and then remove the tape before the caulk has time to dry. We did this in every room we painted and had beautiful, straight, smooth lines along all our ceiling/wall seams. No leaking anywhere! It sounds like a lot of work but it really was very simple if you have two people. One to tape and paint and one to caulk.

Proper Prim said...

Love your little project, so cute.

I would love to try out that tape, I can't tell you the countless hours I spent cleaning up lines because paint leaked in with the other tapes. This is the best idea yet and it really works.


Andrea said...

Wow! It looks like that tape really works. I'd love to give it a try! :)

Shellyhectic said...

I can't wait to try this tape!

Shellyhectic said...

I liked on fb!

Alicen said...

Cute owls! I would love love love to try some of this stuff!

Ooh said...

Very creative owl art! I have been planningon painting my living room and hall for over a year. Maybe this will get me motivated! Thanks for posting.

becky said...

boon1211 at gmail dot com

midnight hysteria said...

me, too, me, too, me, too .... i wanna try some ... have some frog tape but i don't think it's as good as this looks .... darlene

Bryanna said...

Super cute! And my husband and I had just switched to froggy tape because we have had such problems with blue tape.

PS we followed on Facebook!

Gen said...

Did I miss the owl tutorial?

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