Monday, January 11, 2010

My Hand-Me-Down Hand-Me-Down

Hey guys!  Just wanted to share with you my latest furniture rehab.  It's a Hand-Me-Down Hand-Me-Down!  I never say no to a piece of furniture.  It was given to me like this from Whitney.

Our sister Kyndra found this table in a pair at a garage sale and gave this one to Whitney.  It was just a regular wood tone and Whitney painted and distressed it the way we like:)    I thought it was beautiful when it landed in my house but I needed a bedside table for my oldest son.  White made it look a little to feminine so I was on a mission to "boy it up" a bit.

I began sanding off the top layer of the paint using my battery powered Ryobi sander.  It took some time...

After sanding it down and removing the hardware I sprayed three coats of Valspar Navy spray paint.

When the paint was dry I began work on the pulls.  I wanted to change out the pulls from the original to "boy it up" a little more. 

I purchased these pulls at Lowe's for about $4 each.  The only problem was that the original holes were closer together than they needed to be for the new ones.

Whitney left this handy tool at my house a LONG time ago so I lucked out!  She purchased this at Lowe's and it makes measuring for knobs and pulls a breeze!

I found the right measurement to drill the holes for the new pulls

then marked off the drill spots.

Next, using the correct size drill bit, I drilled holes all the way through the drawer and back out.

The pulls fit but I had ugly holes left over from the previous pulls.  Easy fix with Elmer's Wood Filler!

I sqeezed putty into each hole

and smoothed it over with my fingers.  Make sure the filler is flush with the drawer.  You may have to pack it, let it dry and then repeat the same steps to get it flush!  I spray painted over the putty and that was it!

Back to the table!

I used my 3M sanding block to distress ALL of the edges and corners.

I added the hardware and it was DONE!

I'm so happy that the table was white before because it allowed for the white paint to show through when I destressed it.

I love the rugged look it has now and I can't wait for my son to get home to see it!  I hope you all have a great week ~ Ashley

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Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Looks great--I love black furniture, except the whole dust showing thing.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a great table. I love it and the navy is just perfect. Hugs, Marty

A Southern Rose said...

Looks great! I bet he loves it!

Lee Laurie

Cory and Mallory said...

That looks awesome! I need to go yard sale shopping with you!!

Anonymous said...

love it! navy how refreshing!

Elder Esplin said...

I SOOOOO want one of those drawer pull measuring things! I am always eyeing it and I usually have to fill a lot more holes than I started with. The table is absolutely, PERFECTO!

Crystal said...

What a great idea. I was thinking you were restaining at first. I really like the color of blue you picked. Great job with the destressing also.

Jeanette said...

It looks great.

~ Regan said...

Great job! Love those drawer pulls!

Unknown said...

Looks great!

Tracy Wills said...

turned out great, I like that you distressed it some, it just adds to it.

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Nice work! I like the nacy blue and the new hardware.

Jennifer Juniper said...

I love it! The feeling of this table is so updated with the new pulls and color, it's amazing!

Holly said...

It turned out great! Very manly ;)

Anne said...

That looks great!

stephie hicks said...

Love it! I really like it in navy.

Sabrina said...

This turned out great! Love the color and hardware for a boys room.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

The table turned out great!! Love the navy color. That measuring thing is awesome. Great tool to have! Love & blessings from NC!

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

Great transformation! Perfect color choice.

Unknown said...

WOW!!! I love how it turned out! It looks perfect for a boys room!!!!! Great job, as always!

Brooke said...

Can't you come do something about the ugly table next to my bed? Something blue, perhaps??

Super cute.

Treasia Stepp said...

What a transformation. I loved it before but for your son, Navy is perfect. Looks wonderful.

Heidi said...

It's amazing how different handles can change the look of drawers. I really liked the white before, but the blue also looks really good, and the new handles "boy" it up nicely.

3LittleByrds said...

What a great job you did. I love it and I'm sure your son will too.

Tori Leslie said...

Wow, it looks great. Love the color you chose! Again, inspiration just wanting to be used.

Unknown said...

Looks awesome! Much more masculine and perfect for a boys room. Love the navy blue!

Unknown said...

I love the shape of the legs. And I think you did a great job boying it up. Looks great!

Jessica said...

I honestly thought you were going to ruin it painting it blue because it was already so pretty white, but I like the after even more! Great job! I love it! :D

Delightful Dwelling said...

It looks great! I love the color and knobs you used.

Anonymous said...

That looks very nice, you did a great job.

Anonymous said...


Angie Holden said...

What a great makeover!!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I think you "boyed" it up very well!

Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D said...

You really did "boy it up!" i never knew those plastic measuring cards were out there. Very nice! said...

That's gorgeous! I love the color.

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

i lovvvvve the blue!

Crystal said...

Very pretty! I love distressed look and the pulls.


Amanda said...

you did a great job and i love the color choice. definitely boyish

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I am starting to work on one as well, I'll post it when I am finished. I love the whole distressing effect as well.

Casey said...

it looks great!

Shirley said...

Love your little table and especially the color! Great tutorial.

Tausha said...

I don't know if I have ever left a comment before-but I have been lurking for quite a while. Anyway-I love all the fatastic, wonderful, fabulous things that you both do. I really wish that we were next door neighbors. Then all of your awesomeness would wear off on me! And, maybe my continuous use of adjectives would wear off on you1 :)
Thanks for the inspiration!! ( I have a dresser same style and such as yours-just tall and with 6 drawers-now, if it would warm up enough to spray paint. I am going into withdrawls!) Come and say hi if you want.

Sue said...

Hey Ashley, This is just a great transformation of that Queen Anne table! that color is so much masculine, and adding those pulls made it a lot more contemporary. Just a cool change. Oh, and congrats on the win and the upcoming NY trip!
~ Sue

leaf and letter handmade said...

LOVE it! i love "manly" in a little boy's room- which distressed classic navy is definitely manly :)

♥Frann♥ said...

KOOL :-)

Aimee Cotton Bogush said...

So pretty! Nice work.

Mandy said...

Amazing! Would you come to my house and help me with some things?! The problem is that I have no garage or basement to do things like that in. Sigh. I will have to wait for summer to come.

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

Love it! The motorcycle print helps boy it up too :)

memakingdo said...

Looks really nice, I would have never thought of using that in a boy's room but that turned out great for that. My boys would love it!

Sarah @ Hennessey House said...

ohmygosh I LOVE IT!! wow.

Kirsten said...

Wow - fantastic!!

Stef said...

You never cease to amaze me! I love to see all the projects you guys do. I get to see tiny glimpses of your home when you do these projects, but I would love a post that showcases your home with all your beautiful creations around!

I'm having a Paint Color Party and giveaway, and would be thrilled if you guys would join!


Stef said...

You never cease to amaze me! I love to see your projects. I get to see tiny glimpses of your home when you post about your projects, but I would love to see a post showcasing your home, and get to see all of your lovely creations in action.

I'm having a Paint Color Party and giveaway on Friday January 22nd and would be thrilled if you guys would join!


Becca Bertotti said...

Too stinkin' cute !! You guys have got real talent to be able to see past "hand me down" features. Love what you did ... the color you chose is perfect. Thanks for the inspiration !! Becca (Adventures in Decorating)

Magic Brush said...

I love that. That piece had perfect shape to it! Don't you just love paint? 1st time here... gonna have to be a follower!

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