Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Made It Without My Hubby!!!

Hey girls!!  It's that time again!!

We want to see any and all crafts, revamps and projects you gals have been up to without the help of your man!!

This month's party is being sponsored by

Miss Kristy over at Scentsy!!

Many of you are familiar with these cool flameless candles!

These are just a few of their super cute warmers...

That one has our name all over it!!

Scensty has a HUGE line of awesome fragrances to use in your warmers.

With no flame, soot, smoke or lead the Scentsy system is a safe and CUTE way to enjoy candles in your home!! 

They also make a perfect gift!!

So... Miss Kristy will be giving one lucky winner a warmer and bar of their choice! How fun is that??

How do you win??

Link up those crafts, projects and revamps!!

We will highlight of few of our favorite projects and we will draw one random winner from all entries for the giveaway.

You must add our button to either your post or sidebar to play!
Here it is...

If you have any questions just ask!

Ready... Set... Link up ladies!!!

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  1. Ack! Scentsy?!? LOVE the stuff! Addicted to it even. I'm so in! :)

    Thanks for hosting, gals!


  2. I loved looking at all these projects. I keep saying someday I'm going to try refinishing a piece of furniture, but I'm so intimidated. Keep the inspiration coming. :D

    What drew me to the post was the title. When I read "I Made it Without My Hubby," my immediate thought, as a military wife, was "Oh, her husband was gone for awhile." We are enoying this season because last year my husband was in Afghanistan. They things I "made" without him were putting together furniture, fixing a ton of plumbing issues...such as a stopped up sink, and water pipes that broke several times, killing mice that invaded the house due to one very cold winter, etc. ;-) But, this "made it without my hubby" post was much more cheerful! I enjoyed it!

  3. thanks for hostin so many FUN idears! (:

    adore.love.obsessed with my scentsy btw. great giveaway choice.

    happy wednesday!
