Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Few Features...

Hey Guys!!

Thanks to all of you who joined our last I Made it Without My Hubby!  We loved the new setup with the picture links.  It made it a bit more fun don't you think??  My hard drive crashed during that party and my dear friends over at Geek Squad got it all fixed up for me.  So... Sorry for the delay but here are just a few of our favorite party links!

How cute is this??! My girlies would love it!! It's at Sawdust and Paper Scraps.

Wonder if Show & Tell wants to trade me laundry rooms?? LOVE it!!!

How fun is this idea?? It's cute and cheap... Can't beat that!! It's over at Dollar Store Crafts!

Miss Suzanne~ I want one of these please!! (or 3) Check this cutie out at Just Another Hang Up!

What a great armoire makeover at The Clever Chic... Although I did love it old and chippy too :)!

This great knock off here is now on my project list thanks to Erin! LOVE IT! Check it out at Lemon Tree Creations!!

Now how fun was that!?? What a great party! I think you gals get better and better each month and make it hard to show our favorites!!  Thanks so much again for hanging out while we get our energy back! This blogging thing becomes a bit harder when you add two pregnant ladies into the mix!  We are so excited to share our new projects with you guys and we appreciate you allowing us a little break.  Thanks again and enjoy these great features!!


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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baby Bandwagon

Hey guys!  So we said I had an announcement this week and here it is.....
I've jumped on the Baby Bandwagon too and we are expecting our 3rd little one on Nov. 10 of this year!!!

Baby Bandwagon????  Well, not only are Whitney and I pregnant but our baby sisters Leasha and her hubby are expecting their first October 24!!!!!  So Whitney is due in September, Leasha is due in October and I am due in November - we did not plan it this way I promise but we do feel so blessed that we can all share this experience with each other and raise kids so close in age.    To top that all off our sister Kyndra and her hubs just had their second baby in November so within 1 year we will have welcomed 4 new babys into our family!  Can't wait for Christmas this year!!!!!!  So, you can expect double the baby decor for the next few months as we are both preparing to welcome our little ones into the world:)  (I'm struggling with the energy right now but it I should get it back soon.....)  Hope you all have a great weekend!


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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Made It Without My Hubby!!!

MckLinky was down again... We switched to a different site.  Click the blue button at the bottom to add your link!!

Ok girls... It's that time again!!!


We want to see any and ALL projects, crafts, and revamps you have done without the help of your hubs!!  These don't have to be huge projects that involve tools... Just projects you did with your own two hands!

As always we will be highlighting a few of our favs.  Remember to add our button to your post or sidebar to join the party.  We can't wait to see what you gals have in store for us this month!

Ready... Set... Link up Ladies!!!

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Uh Oh.....

Hey guys!  Looks like the McKlinky is not working tonight.  Please come back tomorrow night at 9pm Central Time for our I Made it Without My Hubby Party!

In the mean time check out more of Lisa Leonard's fun bling!  Mother's Day is just around the corner!!!!

Lisa Leonard Designs

Can't wait to see your projects tomorrow night!

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Yes... We are still here !!!

Hello Everyone!! Happy Tuesday!!

Ash and I have been taking a small "blogging break" to catch up on sleep, laundry and life :).  I'm in my second trimester now and thank Goodness I am finally getting a small hint of energy back.  I made an announcement to our facebook fans a few weeks ago that I found out my baby will be a boy.  Well.... I had another sono done on April Fool's day and wouldn't you know that I am actually having a little girl!!  I'm not sure exactly what they saw the first time around but she is 150% all girl now.  So I am switching mind sets now to bows, pink and girly nursery projects... stay tuned!  Here is her perfect little handprint...

Also... Don't forget to stop by tonight at 9:00pm central time for I Made it Without My Hubby.  As always, we want to see any and ALL crafts and projects you have done without the help of the hubs.  These don't have to be big projects that involve tools... Just projects you did with your own two hands!  We always look forward to seeing and getting ideas from you ladies who participate!

Finally, make sure you check back with us on Friday.  We have some very fun and exciting news to share with all you guys!  We hope you all had a great Easter! Thanks!!

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