Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Whitney's Tin Ornament

Hello everyone!! Hope everyone is having a great week!!  It finally dropped below 80 hear in Texas so it is officially time to start preparing for Christmas:)  I don't quite have my tree up yet but I am in the process of making and revamping ornaments for it.  My first one... this super cute baby right here...

Want to see how I made it???  Ok!

I started by cutting some of that great tin roof flashing I found at Lowe's the other day.  My tool of choice... My Sizzix machine!  I have not pulled mine out in ages but when thinking about what fun projects I could do with this metal, my Sizzix came to mind.  I did have to run it throught the rollers a few more times than usual to get it cut all the way through.

After doing that I started cutting my wood.  I found a 1/4" board at Lowe's and I cut a small 4" piece using my hand saw.

I then drilled a small hole on the top...

Time for paint... My favorite ever... Rustoleum American Accents Heirloom White spray paint.  This only took 1 coat.

I shantied it up a bit... Using my 3M block sander with 80 grit paper.

I added a little bit of Minwax Dark Walnut stain to my edges...

I then added my glaze... Ralph Lauren Smoke Glaze.  You just paint it on and wipe it off... LOVE!

My next step was to attach my cute metal piece.  I used a dab of hot glue in the center and then nailed the edges just to shanty it up a bit more.

I added a bit of twine and I was done.  I wanted to share before it made it to the tree so I took some pictures for you guys...

You like??  I will also be offering these in our Shanty Shoppe.  You can get there by clicking HERE or by using the button on our sidebar.  Thanks so much for stopping by!!!  I love hearing from all of you:)

I will be linking up at WFMW at We are that Family!!!

And here...

and here...

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

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  1. Your creations look like they came from a high end store!!
    Love these a lot!

  2. Apparently I need to get my hands on a Sizzix machine! Looks great.


  3. Hello, very cute! I'm going to have to look into getting one of them machines. Thanks for sharing!

  4. You never fail to disappoint when it comes to the creative department. These are so cute!

  5. That's really cute but I don't have one of those fancy smancy machines - guess I'll try to come up with an alternative. Thanks for the idea.

  6. Great use for the machine! I'm going to check your etsy shop, too - I love shopping local. :)

  7. love it! that shape is almost like a fleur de lis but not... cute!

  8. I have avoided purchasing a Sizzix thinking it would be one more thing sitting on a shelf not being used. Apparently I have to have one now! You are brilliant!

  9. sure! just like that! 1....2...3!!

    no problem


  10. I seriously believe someday you 2 will have your own design show.
    Remember me when you are stars ok??!! Love this! I want a metal bird orney for my new bathroom.
    Leigh Ann

  11. I want a Sizzix now. Very cute idea!

  12. You should have a warning on your blog... I returned home today with a cricut, gorilla epoxy and six small wooden disk.. Candlesticks weren't on sale yet... I think my husband is really going to hate you guys!!! ha ha ha. Awesome job!

  13. Very cute project! Thanks for sharing, as always.

  14. i'm curious to know if the flashing being metal will cause the sizzix shape blades to get dull....I don't know just speculation here.
    I absolutely love the design and have one of those, but since the blades are recessed in the padding, I wonder how to sharpen if they were to get dull, etc.
    Any thoughts?

  15. I have never heard of that machine, but it looks like you could do lots of fun things with it! Your ornament turned out great!
    Very tree worthy;)

  16. So clever! I would love a whole tree full of those!

  17. LOVE this! I went to Home Depot this past week to pick up some of your ~highly recommended~ glaze by Ralph Lauren. The paint mixer person (what is their official title?) and I had a hard time finding it (she was new) so I was about to give up my search. As I was heading out of the paint area, I asked it they had an 'oops' pile. GUESS WHAT WAS SITTING ON THE TOP OF THE PILE? That's right! A quart of the Ralph Lauren glaze! I was so excited. The best part was that I got it for...wait for it...wait.....ONE DOLLAR!!! Whoo hooo! I am so excited now and just had to share! I am ready to head to Canton to find some goodies to Shanty up!

  18. Very pretty! You've got some snazzy tools ~ how cool that you could cut this out in this design.

  19. @ Cheap Chic Home. I really like the metal, it gives it some glimmer.

  20. Fabulous idea!! It turned out really great. Thanks for sharing!

  21. What a fun creative project! Love the rustic elements in the ornament! Way to go.... Dee Dee

  22. What a clever idea. Very cute
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  23. Great idea. I think that I have one of those gadgets that cuts in storage....need to look for it. Thanks for the inspiration. Laura @ the mansion

  24. Great idea. I think that I have one of those gadgets that cuts in storage....need to look for it. Thanks for the inspiration. Laura @ the mansion

  25. Oh this is great. I love all your step by step instructions. I've never used Ralph Laurens wipe on glaze, I'm wondering if you'll share where you can find it. Thanks so much for sharing..
    Happy Met Monday hugs ~lynne~

  26. Excellent. Thank you so much for the tutorial. And, I have been looking for the Heirloom White.I appreciate the complete name so much.

  27. I just love it - a suggestion, though. Why don't you do the same thing to the reverse side? That way you'll have the design on both sides and it will be beautiful no matter which direction it is viewed from.

  28. Or put the reverse image on the other side. In other words, the cutout on one side and the metal it was cut from (with the design as negative space) on the other

  29. By the looks of all the comments, looks like you hit a homerun on this one. Now come see mine and tell me what u think!

  30. Oh my word, capital A adoralbe! Love this! And you cut your own wood?! Too cute!
