Friday, October 16, 2009

Ashley's White Pumpkin Bandwagon!

I have jumped on the white pumpkin bandwagon! 

I'm sure you all have seen these at Wal-Mart.

They are terrible looking faux pumpkins but I bought the box of them for $5 and the big pumpkin for $5!

Thanks to the weather clearing, I was able to get outside and spray paint the cheap right off with Rustoleum Heirloom White.

A paint project is just not complete without a visit from our dear friend Ralph.  Just paint on and wipe away to warm up any paint!

'Tis the season for TWINE!

I put a small dab of  hot glue at the top of each line and wrapped the twine around to the other side.  Cut it to size and added another dab of hot glue.

What to do with the stem you ask?  I wrapped twine all the way around to the tip, placing a small dab of hot glue as I went.

At the tip I put a heavier dab of hot glue and coiled the twine until it was completely covered.  I then cut down the end of the twine so it was flush with the coil.

So cute but she needs some friends...

I followed the same steps for these little guys but I used the 2ply Jute Twine for the babies and alternated between the two twines with the medium pumpkins!

Before cheap faux pumpkins...

After white pumpkin Chicness!

Reminder!  'I Made it With Gorilla Glue' Link Party and Giveaway will be November 5, 2009!  You can get all of the information on the party HERE

Grab our button to help get the word out!

I will be linking these cuties up over at Poppies at Play for Creative Cats Friday!

I will also be joining Donna's Saturday Nite Special Party over at Funky Junk Interiors!!

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
I will also be linking this to Between Naps on the Porch for Met Monday 
The DIY Show Off
I will also be adding to to Kimba's DIY Day over at A Soft Place to Land!!
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  1. I love it. White pumpkins can work in any decor too.

  2. Very cute. The twine really makes them unique. Great project.

  3. I saw these at Wal Mart yesterday and thought the her awful...I am so going to get some today. That is so cute!

  4. How cute!!! I have everything that I need to copy your neat I think I might just get right to it...thanks soooo much for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend.


  5. How clever with the twine~ these look great!

  6. Great idea! They look so much better!
    Love the twine.

  7. These are adorable!! I am heading to Wal-mart this afternoon and will definitely be getting some.

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Julie =)

  8. They look adorable (and soooo much better than before)!

  9. You know that you and your sister are making the rest of seem welll.... not so crafty :) Do you sleep at night or do you lay in bed plotting on how to make us feel their not worthy?? I love everything you gals do you can never seem to amaze you astound me. I hop e the 2 of you have an amzing Friday ;)


  10. What a great twist on just plain white pumpkins!

  11. great idea! love the new design of your blog. looks awesome!

  12. So cute. I have some pumpkins I painted white but the twin is brilliant.

  13. KEEEEUTE! I am lovin' those white pumpkins. They need to come visit me. Ok I'll get out my own spray paint!!! It's a nice day and perfect for spray painting!!

  14. Fabulous! Pumpkins have never been so "dressed up" so well. LOve the twine.

  15. Super cute idea! Instead of twine you could also use the smokey finish on them. =)

  16. Oh Shoot! I must be the only person in Blogland who doesn't own a glue gun. I may just have to get one, my daughter would be over the moon!

  17. So pretty Ashley! I love white pumpkins and yours are super cute!


  18. Very cute! I have some fun I will post later today--camera is out of battery juice, need to buy more!

  19. DAH!! I'm having a moving sale today and I put out some plastic pumpkins. I'm going to have to run out and bring them back inside now that I know how cute they can be!! You are so talented!!

  20. Another great idea! You are full of it! ;) Just kidding. Thanks for the quick lesson- I'm sure many more white pumpkins will be popping up!

  21. I'm kid free this weekend! Just might have to make these!

  22. Love, love, love them!!!! I have been trying to get around to making a white pumpkin project. Thanks for another idea! :)

  23. Absolutely adorable! I am on a mission for white pumpkins as well!!!!

  24. Sooo adorable! What is the Ralph stuff you put on the pumpkins?

  25. Hey Girl's! Very cute! Come over to my blog and scroll down a little bit till you find my pumpkin tutorial. Mine are different but look very similar. Great minds think alike!!! LOL!

    My Desert Cottage

  26. Great idea!! I love me some white pumpkins this year!

  27. I totally did this, except I didn't use the twine and your's look SO much better. I ended up respraying mine with a copper metalic. Now I want to go back and paint them "white" again. :) Thanks for all the inspiration! Tammy

  28. Oh my gosh- these are my favorite fall decor I have seen all season! Thanks for the idea!!!

  29. So cute! I have white pumpkins from Michaels, but I may have to get some of these & do your fab treatment.

    GREAT idea!

  30. I did this with my cheap pumpkins too! I love them now- they looked so cheap before and I would put them in places where they were not seen as well- camouflage to try to get around the cheap look. NO more!

  31. Do you sale your stuff?? I have seen a gazillion things that I am interested in but didn't see where it mentioned that you sold it. Thanks.

  32. My Wal-mart only had beaded ones and it doesn't really have the same effect. Oh well. . . I still love this idea and will try again.

  33. That is an amazing transformation. It is one of those ideas that I wish I had had. Thanks for sharing!

  34. I am so going to Wal-mart today! How cute! I found your blog today and I'm becoming a follower TODAY!!!

  35. Oh how rustically adorable! White pumpkins AND twine! Baaaa... I'm a babbling idiot. I want to go shopping. BAD.

    Good ideas make me caffine jittery, kwim?

    Thanks for posting this at the party!

    Funky Junk Donna

  36. Oh my, I love that "spray paint the cheap right off!" Tell me about Ralph, is that glaze you're using? Can you share the details?

  37. Wow, great project and outcome! The pumpkins are adorable! =) ~Liz

  38. how cute is that... love, love, love them

  39. What a creative idea! Question, where do you buy that Ralph Glaze?

  40. I absolutely LOVE this idea. I am not talented at all, but you are so creative. I want to try this, but I am afraid to mess it up!!

  41. Love the white pumpkins! I have been wanting some, and these are darling. Thanks for stopping by our blog Whitney! (isn't it fun to be able to blog with your sister, wish we lived close like you guys do) Love all your fun projects!
    Teri @

  42. That is a great met project! CUTE. CUTE. CUTE.

    Happy Met Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  43. very cute.
    just that added touch they needed.

    barbara jean

  44. SO cute! I just did this using (without the jute) a real pumpkin. I love the idea of using fake pumpkins though, so you can use them again!

  45. That is just pumpkinlyoushus--I , alas, had some real ones and one has already molded!!

    spindle cottage is my house blog

  46. I am convinced that the things one can do with cheap orange pumpkins are endless! Very cute!

  47. Great job on the pumpkins - thanks for sharing.

  48. You guys never cease to amaze me. Love your blog!!

  49. the pumpkins are just wonderful, how creative, great job...

  50. Today is my day to paint the gourds white. So glad I stopped by because I think the plastic acorns are getting a new coat, too.

    Love them!

  51. Hey, did you redo your header?

    Anyway, love the pumpkins, I swear I am going to hire you to come to my house and transform everything.

    I have a linky party and a plea for help @ my place: Want to check it out? (I apologize if you already linked, 1/2 asleep. LOL)

  52. cute cute cute as always you girls did a wonderful job...

  53. The white pumpkins are so cute....great transformation!

  54. Very nice! I really prefer white pumpkins to orange ones, and the twine really adds a special touch.

  55. You guys always have such great stuff! Awesome job!

  56. What pretty pumpkins!! I never would have thought of adding the twine, but it makes them perfectly rustique!!

  57. I love this!!! I need me some of that glaze. It's amazing.

  58. Very cute! So much better than just a plain pumpkin.

  59. Such a great idea! They look awesome!

  60. What a cute idea.They look so good after the makeover.Thanks for posting !

  61. I'm loving the white pumpkins this year . . . great crafty goodness!


  62. What a great idea! I just bought a box of the little pumpkins this morning and came home and immediately started spray painting them white. I love the twine idea...might have to try it out! Thanks so much for sharing your creative idea!

  63. This was one of my favorite pumpkin projects las year, and I featured your pumpkins on my blog today:

    Thanks for the inspiration!
