Monday, September 7, 2009

Whitney's Lantern Makeover ~ A Weekend Whatnot

We had another fantastic day of shanty shopping… Ashley and I decided to spend the 6 precious hours we have from drop-off to pick-up of the kids at school trolling the local HomeGoods and Marshalls stores. My youngest was still with us but I will say that 1 was quite easier than 5. Our trolling paid off. One of my favorite shantys I found that day was this super cute lantern. This was actually a collaborative effort on both our parts. Ashley was about an aisle ahead of me so she actually spotted to lantern first. She showed it to me… I begged… she gave it to me… Perfect! Thanks Ashley!

The lantern was clearanced to $12 with no huge damage… It does sit kind of lopsided but I figured I could fix that at home. This was another pretty simple makeover. I took all the glass out of the lantern. I then sprayed the whole thing with Valspar vanilla satin paint. The original color wasn’t bad but it was a bit stark for my house. After letting that dry, I lightly sanded the edges and put the glass back in. Now I needed to dress her up… I had some extra decorative balls and a fun “G” my mom bought me in Waco. They will work for now. I can’t wait to fill it with pumpkins in a few months and who knows for Christmas…. We will see! I will be sharing this fun shanty turned chic at Thrifty Finds over at Southern Hospitality… Check it out! I will also be sharing this lovely over at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday... Love this blog... go check it our ladies!


  1. Oh, that is adorable for fall! Love the makeover & it was a good deal too.

  2. Oh what a fabulous idea! I never would have thought of that but I sure will now :)

  3. What a cute idea, I would not have thought of that. Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!

  4. My hubby and I stopped at Home Goods yesterday and I went nuts over the Halloween stuff. SO CHEAP! I had my arms loaded and hubs said "Hold on there missy, don't spend all your money in one place". Yes, I WILL be going back without him.

  5. I love that! I so hope I can find at least one of those one day!

  6. I saw this lantern at my Home Goods store this past week and loved it too. It looks great the way you've filled it...never thought of filling it with various seasonal items! I think I'm going back to purchase it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Ooooh, I totally love this 'cause you can change out the stuff inside. I am going to be on the lookout for one for me!

  8. Just discovered your blog, LOVE IT!!!! I will be buying up some RL Smoke Glaze, lol!!

  9. I love that latern! So cute and I love what you put in it, such a great idea!

  10. What a cute a 'different' idea. I like it. I wish that we had a Home Goods store around here.

  11. Awesome.....Love what you did to the lantern.

  12. Thanks for the comment today! I love what you did with your mirror and I laughed when I saw this post, I have that same lantern! I put rocks and a candle in mine, but I love the balls and letter in yours! Makes me want to rethink what I should put in mine!

  13. Hi...I came upon your blog and enjoyed reading through your posts! I love the ideas and projects you create. I will be stopping by often!! Hugs!

  14. You girls know how to work a good it~

  15. Very cute! Love it, and what a great idea!

  16. That is just perfect, what a good find! The G is the cherry on top!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thanks for joining the party! This is a great find! I just love the idea of putting a letter inside! How cute is that?

  19. I also LOVE the letter inside. What a great idea!

  20. Looks great! I love the letter and balls inside of it. Oh, the possibilities are endless for that little beauty! Great find.

  21. i love it! what a fun blog! are you two really sisters?

  22. WOW!! I would have never thought of doing this!!

  23. love this! i have tons of leftover lanterns from my wedding, i need to try to repurpose some of them!!

    stop by my Goodwill party every Wednesday and link up your thrifty finds!!
