Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ashley's Wonderful Whatnot - Shanty Shutter Makeover

Hi all! I just love shanty "Whatnot" makeovers! They are quick, easy, one-day projects and they are often nick knacks that you already have in your house! My first "Whatnot", I am excited to share, is my Shanty Shutter Makeover!

So, I just love shutters and I also love the little antique store downtown (it's more of a second hand junk store but if the price is right who cares!). On my first trip to the antique store I found the most wonderful shutters at again the "perfect" price. They had definitely seen better days but nothing a little clean-up and paint couldn't fix! I bought them without a vision in mind but I knew I would think of something! As soon as I got them home I remembered that I have been wanting to change out our terrible builder's stock towel bar in our master and on went the light bulb! I was going to turn those shutters into a towel bar!

Supplies: 2 sets of short shutters, 2 hooks, 2 drop knobs, Elmer's Wood Glue, Spa Blue acrylic and Antiquing Medium 819

I painted the shutters (one side only) with the Spa Blue acrylic, let them dry and then applied the Antiquing Medium 819. Did a little distressing and that part was finished. Once dry, I screwed in the hooks and glued the knobs with Elmer's Wood Glue (the screws stuck out too far in back) and it was time to hang. I decided to hang each shutter separately rather than attaching them together so lining them up took some patience but it turned out just fine! I will add some decorative towels when I get a chance but I just love how this turned out. Such an original piece, little money invested and it was an afternoon worth of work!

I have posted before pictures of 2 sets of taller shutters I also purchased because I don't have any pictures of the shorter ones I used. They were identical minus the dimensions. As always - Enjoy! I will be posting this at DIY day over at A Soft Place to Land... Check it out and be inspired!!! http://asoftplacetoland-kimba.blogspot.com/2009/08/diy-day_12.html


  1. Adorable! I love shutters, too and this is a great idea!


  2. just beautiful...thanks for sharing!

  3. Great idea...I love seeing shutters being repurposed. So many different ways to use them.

  4. Adorable! What is it about shutters that is so quaint...


  5. What a great idea! I love how they came out! Thanks for sharing.


  6. LOVE old shudders! They look great!

  7. The shutters transformation is awesome. I love all of the projects you have posted on your blog. Our home decor is very simular. I am glad I stopped by. I look forward to your future projects!!

  8. Fantastic shutter make-over!

  9. such a cute idea!! I have white shutters in my baby's room that I have ben meaning to do something else with. I hope you have a fabulous day!!! hugs!! Britt :-)

  10. This is a great idea. How clever and practical too. Good job!!

  11. Those came out great! I love the colors you used, too. Wonderful job!

  12. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing - I am going to try this in my own bathroom!!!!!!!
